
amanda. ❤️

Ask @amandanorwood21

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What's the best dating advice you have?

Don't look for a relationship because the best ones that last the longest happen unexpectedly. Be yourself. Tell the truth.

I never said it wouldn't change you, of course hell you're a human being not a robot. But im just saying you engulf yourself in relationships because you cant be alone

I can be alone. I've been alone for a month now so in yo' face. Sammy and I dated for 6 months and that's over now. Moving on.
Liked by: Kayla

It seems like everyone of your boyfriends change and are not same person anymore'

You get in a car accident and the other guy dies. Tell me you're going to be the same. Just tell me you wouldn't change.
Liked by: Kayla

What do you think people should do more often?

Random acts of kindness. Smile. Give strangers compliments. Love the ones you have. Let life do it's thing, don't control it. Make your future what you want it to be, it depends on you and only you.

Lmaoooooooooo you broke up with Sam

Sam is not the same person anymore. You don't know what it's like to go thru what he had to go thru and what it's like to watch someone that you're madly in love with go thru something so tragic. It changes you as an individual and as a couple. Sam was the one. But he's not anymore. He saw that I was miserable and didn't want to put me thru that any longer. Regardless of where we are at now, his family means the world to me and they'll always be in my life. It's not a joke if you know the facts. We're both happier now. We're not the same people we were at the beginning of our relationship. And we haven't been since December. I do love him and I always will, but he'll never be the same and neither will the two of us ever get back to what we had in the near future.
Liked by: Kayla

No, what is hilarious is your love live. I misspelled one word, but thats only because it was growing apart from me, and i didnt it anymore. Hahahahaha! okay im done. Bye :)

I'd say maybe you'll understand when you grow the fuck up, but that'll never happen. And it's *life. And you left out a few more words. Have a good day, you ignorant dumb fuck
Liked by: grace norwood

Seriously everyone needs to get out of your business. You say you've never been happier. That can change. You don't know how happy you're going to be in the future. It's not your fault you're relationships don't always work out. These people obviously know nothing about your life.

grace norwood

I never claimed to be perfect, far from it. Saying the truth, is not judging, facts are facts. Also, your right, your love life does not affect me in any way shape or form, like i said before, its just halirious lmao

What's *hilarious is your spelling and grammar. Byeeeee
Liked by: Ryan Ruggiero

I have issues?! Lmao okay. Let us know when Sam changes and you guys grow apart and you 'have never been happier' with a new guy lmaoooo

Please tell me how my love life affects you at all. Before you judge others you should reevaluate yourself because I'm sure you're not perfect.

Of course your bestfriend is going to defend you and say you aren't lmao i feel bad for a woman who doesn't know how to be alone. And yeah you might say you need to take every chance you get, but do you really? I mean it seems like you have jumped at every opportunity you have had to be in a relatio

You seriously have issues dude. I've made plenty of mistakes and just about every boyfriend has been one until now. When I'm hearing that since Sammy has been in my life that I'm back to my old self again after being different for a fucking entire year from the people who know me best, it means a whole fucking lot. Since Sammy, I haven't had one shitty day when I've had about 355 one right after the other. I'm finally back to my crazy, happy, REAL me. So say what you want. But I'm gonna do me and not give a fuck about you.
Liked by: grace norwood

Dude you didn't started actually having a boyfriend till senior year. That's freshman year, sophomore year, and junior year people knew you without a guy. Sorry TRY AGAIN. You don't let a guy define you. THATS FOR SURE.

Atleast I'm finally back to myself after a fucking year. Lol I must finally have it right, don't you think?

You deffinintly are defined by guys that's for sure!! No one knows who you are without one.

Then you definitely don't know me personally. Hahahaha I don't understand why you are such a fucked up individual that you care so much to judge my happiness.

You are so young , you will learn that everything that you are doing is honestly pointless. Lol like everyone says, before you can make anyone happy, you have to be content with yourself as a person. Be happy with yourself Amanda! You are a beautiful girl, who shouldn't let guys define her life.

I can't tell if that was rude or not.. But I don't let guys define me. You obviously don't know me personally. What I'm doing with my life is not pointless.
Liked by: Jordynn Brown


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