
Amanda Jones

Ask @amandareneejones

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I'm a girl and I wasn't saying we should have sex..

The fuck are you saying that for then..creepy ass

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Acutane is the only thing that works I'm on my last month and I haven't gotten a single pimple for about a month it's really weird having absolutely nothing to coverup. I had really bad skin and now it's perfect you should try it

I am! It just takes forever for girls to start accutane because you have to do a pregnancy test, blood work, and another pregnancy test. It's a pain in the ass!

Idk it just shows that you are a strong person and it will get better!(:

Oh...well thanks! I really hope so..

Why would you start crying?

I guess I'll tell it. But It has been the biggest obstacle I've been through. I can't look at people in the eye and tell them something, when people look at me I can't help but feel like they're looking at my acne, it just got worse, I've been to 3 dermatologists and not one has helped me..just wasted my parents' hard earned money, I completely shut everyone out because I don't want to deal with being judged more than I already am, it's just disgusting, people have made comments to me about it, makeup sometimes doesn't even help, I've spent so much money on facial products that work for everyone else except me, spent money on makeup that doesn't even work, I cry about it sometimes when I come home after school and look at myself, when I see myself the first thing I look for is my blemishes, all I see is the acne on my face, not what's beneath it, and I feel like I can't wear tank tops or anything that shows it, I don't like wearing my hair up because it doesn't cover any of it, and lastly I see the people at school that have flawless skin and I wish with all my might I never had it because I feel ugly and blotchy and judged no matter what I do. Everyone that doesn't have to deal with acne thinks it's just a few blemishes, it's not that big of a deal, but what they don't realize is that it changes people's lives(including mine). It makes me moody, upset, and very very frustrated because I can't be my natural self even around my family. And the story is continuing still so if you want I can keep you updated sometime. So ya that's my endless story

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Truth is.. We go way back. Like 4th grade I think? Lol good ol' scorcher days. We use to be so close too :( well you're still super pretty (:

Thanks Kia(:

BECAUSE SHE CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK SHE WANTS. God people have been so mean to you the past few days, leave the poor girl alone

Thanks(: it honestly hasn't bothered me a lot because I'm learning that what other people think of me doesn't matter. And I just keep telling myself that...but thanks anon! I appreciate it
Liked by: Dyonna Johnson

He calls you ass hat. And so do I haha. And we still have to scare the shit out of him in the shower because last time was a fail

AndrewSivalingam’s Profile PhotoHindu Express
We waited to long! Haha he doesn't just call me asshat andrew haha
Liked by: Hindu Express


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