
Amelia ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

Ask @amooliax

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Have you ever been single for so long that you started to not wanna be in a relationship because you got used to having all of your time to yourself? Lol of whatever else reasons you have?

I think for me, its because i just don’t want to lose anymore people in my life haha kinda having a fear of relationships right now

Do you prepare your outfit a day before you wear it?

yes for special occasions and for more formal events!

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Have you ever been attacked/singled out because someone was jealous that someone they like actually likes you ?

Not that i can remember!!

Do you like to cook??

yes i do actually i find the process very fun but i’m not very good at it yet:(

Lol kind of considering blocking someone for the first time, how many people here do you have on the block list ?


How did you meet your bf?

Okay so the funny thing was that, my bf and i went to the same primary school but we didnt know of each other's existence. But then, after that, we actually both attended the same poly.
So, i always take 184 to ngee ann poly and so happens he lived like 5 mins away from me. So we always see each other at the bus stop.
At first when i first noticed him, he was wearing this super cute outfit that caught my attention. The very next day we eye contacted and then this continued to happen.
Then there was this day, i was waiting at the bus stop then it suddenly poured like super heavily, i was wearing shoes so practically my shoes were soaked.
So i wanted to find a cab and board it because i was running late, but there wasnt a single cab available. I was abit angsty because i was drenched and i was running late. Then suddenly out of nowhere, i felt someone pick me off the ground. I turned around and it was him. He carried me and waited for a cab.
After finding us a cab, he even paid for the cab fare and made sure i got to class safe, even though he was also late for class. After school that day, he got my number through his friend and he asked me out for dinner. And thats was how we first started.
Nah just kidding hahaha he stays in the east and i stay in the west and he wouldn't carry me cause he always calls me a fatty :'(

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How did you get to help out for ilscm camp??

There was a sign up and i was helping a friend so i joined!


Language: English