
Brandon "Corosar"

What do you think of Vinely?

She is my deepest relationship i have with another being in this world if i had to care for only one person in this world it would be her to the end... should anything happen between us i will be forever broken and dead inside. there are no words to describe my deepest feelings for her. she is the only person that i will ever confide my deepest secrets to.
I have never been so attracted and attached to anyone before i have been with her for 2 years now and i feel my compassion towards her is still unending. i have always believed in the thought of eternal love and have been very picky when it came to finding someone to be with for the rest of my life... we are happily engaged now for a year and once i get the paperwork done and she is with me eternally we will be getting married. i hope nothing but the best for our future in that regard...
to me i am her dragon and she is the only gem in my tiny overly protected hoard. i will do my damnest to protect her if i have the power to do so. in my eyes she cares for everyone that she comes across wanting to do her best to help and find a place where she is completely and absolutely necessary to be. she takes criticism very hardly compared to most people. and when angered or hurt she tends to unintentionally make her sentences angry and very spiteful. which is why when i feel she is getting angry i ask her to run everything through me before sending it out. when she wants to be left alone she makes sure you know though and tends to just simply disappear. slightly aggravating for someone like me simply because i feel the need to be by her side during every situation not just the happy ones.
she is one of maybe only 30,000 people in the world that would not immediately think i am crazy based of my thoughts or beliefs or have to need an explaination as to why i think that way unless i word how i think wrong... i have revealed all my secrets to her but because of her history she tends to keep everything hidden behind a smile.
if anything... she is the person that i need to care about the most in the world to function properly if it was not for her i would still be a very negitive person wanting to harm anyone that touches me and hoping death on the world. if it was not for her .... i would not have had my revolution in my beliefs i would never have been happy... so to say i think excessively highly of her then yea i do but its because.... i was faced with people that wanted to be with me.... but only because of my looks... i wanted someone that i knew.... would care for me eternally no matter what i looked like on the outside... i found it in her... i hope to never lose her.... ever..

Latest answers from Brandon "Corosar"

Which kind of natural disaster scares you the most?

Supernova: Because there is nothing that can be done to stop it.. and it is gonna happen to Sol eventually when.. that is the biggest worry... we don't know! Sol like all other stars are ticking time bombs.. and its only a matter of time before it goes boom!

Of all your pet-peeves, which is the strangest?

Hmmm strangest peeve....
Take a pick from one of these:
Being ignored
People calling wyverns Dragons
People calling dragons wyverns.
People thinking dragons are demonic
People thinking dragons are evil
People thinking dragons are mindless
you geting an idea where my peeves are?

If you could eliminate any word from the dictionary, meaning no one can ever use it again, what word would you choose?

The. I would love to see people squirm as they had to work around it.
Runners up are
-most things i hate about religion (ie, excommunication, preaching, tithe ect)
-most of the recent slang to look down upon other racial traits (thanks mom for teaching me how much your against other races)

Would you want to be internet famous?

Not really no... it would be cool to meet some internet famous people... but the crowd would be overwhelming to me.

Do you remember life without technology? What was it like?

Yea i do... i remember having a nice place to race young free from technology and modern life.... i died back then... and born into a world with technology so... ehh i don't know what it was like in this life.

What kind of things do you like to do in summer?

Laze about because its around that time where i normally can't sleep right.... god damn summer temperatures

Are there any brands or companies that you boycott? Why do you refuse to do business with them?

EA because i am kinda sick of their games being shitty
MIcrosoft's Xbox devision as i was too harshly burned by their original plans for the Xbox one... wishing for you to be online all the time or else bricking your system... and that fucking connect they have been trying to shove on us.. i can handle not getting their exclusives!
Partal Boycott of From Software due to their bullshit they pulled with Dark Souls 2 update crap...
that is all i can think of right now...

Do you believe in destiny? What's yours?

Thee only destiny i believe in is thee idea that everyone is capable of great things... great in this context does not mean good... but in world changing ways

Language: English