
Brandon "Corosar"

What do you think of Shadow/Marxon?

Now this question is of the only person i can completely and entirely relate to on this thread. his personallity is almost an exact mirror of mine from before i found someone to care for. i seriously feel that he would be what i would have if i never found Vinely. i feel all his emotional issues and try to support them because at one point in my life i felt that emotion and relate alot with it.
Hell whenever he is derpy i can immediately know how that feels. being completely helpless to whatever pops into your mind at that very second. when he feels lonely.... i tend to feel the same and want to go and comfort him and show that i am there as a good friend of his. he is by far the person i know the most on this thread and i am very happy to call him a good friend of mine!
he tends to have a great sense of humour and loves to just have fun when he is not having any physical or emotional issues.. he also seems to have a very close relation to reks. something that i feel causes him alot of emotional issues when he is not able to be with her. i don't know if reks returns the feelings to shadow but he seems to still be in good relations with her.
Shadow is an amazing guy he is very understanding and sympathetic... once you get past his shyness that tends to hold him back. he is not someone to approach directly or it will push him further away from him. he is a great friend and those that he grows to trust tends to be very loyal to his deepest friends and very open to them. there is also the fact that he does not really like complete nonsense happening in a serious context..... but when his character is drunk... you can have a blast with him and crack a few laughs.
there is almost no way i could ever be angry with him not easily... if you want my thoughts on him i see only the positive side of me in him... he also tends to well... not like being put out of his comfort zone that is extremely fragile its best not to swarm him with too much attention or he will quickly try and push everything away which i can understand completely... he also as the same issue vinely and i have in that when we feel we are useless we become very very depressed with ourselves we have to try and help out as much as we can while we are still comfortable with being there.
to me i hope i never lose his friendship even after the end of the avali which i hope never happens. he is a true friend and wish to have him as part of my very few friends for a long time in the future!

Latest answers from Brandon "Corosar"

Which kind of natural disaster scares you the most?

Supernova: Because there is nothing that can be done to stop it.. and it is gonna happen to Sol eventually when.. that is the biggest worry... we don't know! Sol like all other stars are ticking time bombs.. and its only a matter of time before it goes boom!

Of all your pet-peeves, which is the strangest?

Hmmm strangest peeve....
Take a pick from one of these:
Being ignored
People calling wyverns Dragons
People calling dragons wyverns.
People thinking dragons are demonic
People thinking dragons are evil
People thinking dragons are mindless
you geting an idea where my peeves are?

If you could eliminate any word from the dictionary, meaning no one can ever use it again, what word would you choose?

The. I would love to see people squirm as they had to work around it.
Runners up are
-most things i hate about religion (ie, excommunication, preaching, tithe ect)
-most of the recent slang to look down upon other racial traits (thanks mom for teaching me how much your against other races)

Would you want to be internet famous?

Not really no... it would be cool to meet some internet famous people... but the crowd would be overwhelming to me.

Do you remember life without technology? What was it like?

Yea i do... i remember having a nice place to race young free from technology and modern life.... i died back then... and born into a world with technology so... ehh i don't know what it was like in this life.

What kind of things do you like to do in summer?

Laze about because its around that time where i normally can't sleep right.... god damn summer temperatures

Are there any brands or companies that you boycott? Why do you refuse to do business with them?

EA because i am kinda sick of their games being shitty
MIcrosoft's Xbox devision as i was too harshly burned by their original plans for the Xbox one... wishing for you to be online all the time or else bricking your system... and that fucking connect they have been trying to shove on us.. i can handle not getting their exclusives!
Partal Boycott of From Software due to their bullshit they pulled with Dark Souls 2 update crap...
that is all i can think of right now...

Do you believe in destiny? What's yours?

Thee only destiny i believe in is thee idea that everyone is capable of great things... great in this context does not mean good... but in world changing ways

Language: English