
Angel Nguyen

You know amber is gay?

Haha how about no. She's not gay. It's called a joke. Yeah okay. If she was I would know and you can be gay if your a girl and you like guys. I think to be gay you have to like the same sex and she doesn't. She likes guys so you can shut the fuck up and get your facts straight and don't say things about my Bestfriend like that. She just likes to play around. God damn people like you is just ugh... People act like that all the time

Latest answers from Angel Nguyen

Why don't you answer my questions?

I think I accidentally deleted some of them... I'll answer them if you ask them again

What is your favorite thing about summer?

When I didn't have to worry about keeping my grades up and when I got to go places and do things with my favs

If you were given a time machine to travel backwards in time, what are the three mistakes that you would want to rectify?

5th grade when I over slept and missed the trip, when I was in 7th grade because I loved it back in MS, and last summer

Language: English