
Angel Rock

Ask @angelrock8D

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What are some rules that you live by??

1) Never get under eight hours of sleep.
2) Don't wear earrings (I'm allergic to them).
3) Don't wear makeup (I'm also allergic to it).
4) If your not going to brush your hair, at least put it in a pony tail.
5) Just because some guy is into you... doesn't mean he is your soul mate.

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My senses tell me... ALOT

What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you???????

I once had to pee REALLY BAD... then I sneezed.

What kind of video games do you play??

Mostly COD but I also play a little infamous... and sometimes I play lego star wars on the wii :)

how does the knife song go??

Oh, I have all my fingers. The knife goes Chop! Chop! Chop! If I miss the spaces between my fingers will come off. And if I hit my fingers, blood will soon come out But all the same I play this game, cause that's what's it's all about! There is more to it, but this is all I know :D

How many you been with?

I only date guys that I believe I will marry... so none... YET... But I will get there. Soon, my child... soon.


Language: English