

How to be

Skyllar Richey
how to be sky❤️
be super pretty
take super model pictures
be one of my fav sevies
need to hmu more
be flexible and know how to tumble
be super sweet
be really funny
be outgoing
be overprotective
stand up for others
speak your mind
be loud
be energetic and lots of fun
have much love from me❤️

Latest answers from ang

What was the last big mistake you made?

i confused the shampoo bottle for the conditioner bottle so now i'm stuck with two different kinds of shampoos

How much do you weigh ?

I don't share my weight bc I barely know my weight bc I don't believe in weighing yourself

What are you most known for?

I'm known for a lot of things most of them not being so positive but hey that's good bc then people get to know me and I'm not all that bad

Who inspires you?

I am inspired by each individual around me bc everyone has something to offer and I think that is incredible

Wyd tomorrow

I have confirmation from 8:15 to 12 and from there I'll go out to eat with my sponsor and family and probably meet up with my cousins or something before I go to my bff's 15 with my mother and boyfriend(:

What is the best way to say goodbye?

"say goodbye"- Chris Brown will help you with your question

Language: English