

Angela, its fine im fine. I just wanted them to piss off. I'm fine just stressed w coming for lunch cuz it sucks and the whole other thing you know. Im fine

felicity no. im done w. this bs. i know exactly how you feel, bc i used to be the one always there for everyone and i never had anyone there for me. now i have you, youre seriously the one that keeps me going almost all the time. if it wasnt for you and jason i wouldnt be doing good rn. youre my backbone, and in really mad at this anon rn so i need cool off before i can clear this hoodrat.
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Latest answers from ang

What was the last big mistake you made?

i confused the shampoo bottle for the conditioner bottle so now i'm stuck with two different kinds of shampoos

How much do you weigh ?

I don't share my weight bc I barely know my weight bc I don't believe in weighing yourself

What are you most known for?

I'm known for a lot of things most of them not being so positive but hey that's good bc then people get to know me and I'm not all that bad

Who inspires you?

I am inspired by each individual around me bc everyone has something to offer and I think that is incredible

Wyd tomorrow

I have confirmation from 8:15 to 12 and from there I'll go out to eat with my sponsor and family and probably meet up with my cousins or something before I go to my bff's 15 with my mother and boyfriend(:

What is the best way to say goodbye?

"say goodbye"- Chris Brown will help you with your question

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