
Annabella Lek

Ask @annabellalorrayne

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What is your attitude to smoking?

Absolutely detest the act of it. Not the smokers though cause they can be really nice people ((: So out of concern I do try my best to persuade my friends to cut down

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What advice would you give to children today?

Don't get too caught up with the advanced technologies because they'll replace one after another. Instead stay grounded ((:

Hi there pretty! ((: How're you doing?

Ermm why thank you for the compliment whoever this is ((: Hahaha I'm doing fine and actually am gonna fly off to Bangkok tmr morning!

What is your relationship status?

Errrrrrmm. It's complicated. Just a fine line between single and available and being in love. Still tryna read between the lines ((:

Do you believe in happy ending?

Yes I still do ((: Even though the world's changing where we're all so pragmatic where we always place personal interest first. Besides everyone deserves a happy ending! It depends on how you view it and how you shape your ending to be because everything happens for a reason!

Which was the last good movie you watched?

Mortal Instruments City of Bones! But of course it can't beat my Marvel movies! ((:

Who or what made you smile today?

My 3rd Grandaunt. She totally caught me off guard by speaking English. And we could actually hold simple conversations ((:

Are you and Anthony officially a couple? Cause I sense something going on between both of you.

HAHAHA why is everyone so interested in us? Answer is - No. We're not officially a couple (Next time maybe?) But then again it's kinda impossible cause I believe I'm not his cup of tea (I think) We're officially a team though! Team AnL! So perhaps you got your sense all wrong ((:

Hey hey!!! Annal describe Lewis Tan Ping Jin leh!!!

Annal? Like seriously? *Gives the death glare* It's ANNA. TSKKK Lewis Tan Ping Jin. From above you can tell he clearly sucks at spelling~ Got to know him through Candice during CCA fiesta. First impression - AH BENG especially with his keys dangling (Super Noisy)
Forever catching him constantly surrounded by girls, like some flower attracts so many bees! Machiam like a big boss/president - Everywhere he goes sure stop halfway and say HI. Part of the ANNOYYINGG Team Outreach who forever disturbs me *PUNCHES FIST*Apart from that behaves like small kid (Trademark of team outreach cause the other partner is also like that)
HAHAHA jokes aside he's someone who livens up the mood and tries to make everyone comfortable with one another. Draws a line between work and play (there's always a time for something) which is good! However he choose to bottle up his feelings and hide when there's something wrong (which is super bad) He's definitely someone who treasures brotherhood/loyalty! ((:

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What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?

Never take your loved ones for granted and treasure those around you! ((:

Are you usually the heart breaker or the heart broken?

Heart breaker I guess? Never had someone to be heart broken over before. I don't usually fall for someone but if I do I fall real hard. Hmm recently I just did I think? ((:

WHY ARE YOU STILL SINGLE?? You have look, have character...

Thanks for the compliment whoever this is ((: Hmm I guess I've yet to meet my Mr Right? I believe he's somewhere out there. And someday sometime at some place I'll meet him. You can't rush when it comes to this kind of things. So why not let's take things slow?

What is the most delicious berry?

Strawberry! Major love strawberries! ^^ HAHAHA though my nickname is that~

Do you think people deserve a second chance?

Everyone does deserve a second chance! ((: I was given one before so I know how it's like. As for the outcome of it - It really depends on how much you treasure and appreciate this chance you're given!

Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams?

Surely some parents may implement their dreams (or things they didn't complete) and would like you to do it for them or perhaps parents have a mindset of what path they want you to go. Ultimately you're the one living your life - NOT your parents. You won't want to spend the rest of your life doing something you don't like. So do go for your dreams! ((:

Do you prefer fish or meat?

A good mix of both ((: Depends on a couple of factors! From Marination to Method of Cooking (Steam/Fry e.t.c) to Taste!

What is the quality you most like in a man?

Can't really answer that question cause I've never been attached before. But I guess if its from life experience from the guys I know I'd say - His truthfulness ((:

Do you like short or long hair on someone of the opposite sex?

I'd definitely go for short hair! A man looks neater, pleasant and more presentable with that hairstyle ((:


Language: English