
Annie Dillard

Ask @annie_dillard

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Man... Got pregnant, looks like volleyball gonna be pretty hard with a 40 lbs added to your stomach! WAY TO SCREW YOUR LIFE UP! But fr, congratulations on your baby! name it Noah! Cause I'm awesome! We'll have fun with your life, I'm gonna enjoy my time, i know you two hooked up while we still didit

That's rude. Just let me be. Things happen and maybe I'm happy where I'm at right now. My baby will be a perfect baby and I don't need somebody telling me I ruined my life. This pasted month has been less stress I don't need any with a baby now. It's not good for me or my baby. So please just let me be and be happy for me. Courtland is a great man and idc what everyone says about it. Okay.

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I wish you would have told me a month ago... Oh well!

How did you find out that one huh? How do you know that's even true. That's right. You don't. Thanks.

If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?

I wouldn't change anything that has happened to me because it's gods plan. But I would love to change what happened to Noah and I.

If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

Only few know, but the ones who do know he's special.

Or maybe you don't realize how badly hurt he actually is? I'm sure he told you he was fine. But that's all I have to say Ill shall part my on way now. Enjoy the rest of your life friend.

Justin Case

Maybe you don't know him as well as you thought you did. He doesn't exactly make he vest decisions when he's upset now does he? We will get to watch the fireworks together oh it will be so nice!

Justin Case
Leave me alone

whats even better is that's something he used to say! He used to say " I'm like a super nova burn bright die young. but damn when I explode its going fucking beautiful"

Justin Case
He's gonna be smart

You know what my favorite part of this whole thing is? That I won. not even that I just won. its how I won. I shattered you two. Its almost like art. Now I get to stand back and watch everything fall apart with you. Then the finale will be the fireworks show the super nova makes. Oh I cant wait!

Justin Case
Oh really

Well let me give you a little bit of information. When a star is going super nova it burns very bright. Brighter than the whole rest of its life.and then? Right when it gets to the brightest possible? It implodes on its self. That's how stars die friend. Just like him

Justin Case
What are you trying to say

Oh whoops did I hit a sore spot? Oh well. I wont tell you who I am because I'm not done. I'm going to watch everything collapse now. Hes like a star going Super Nova. Do you know what a star does when its going super nova?


Now why would I do that now that I got what I wanted? Shame. He was a good guy and you two were cute together even with al of the stuff you were doing to him. But now? Hes broken. Oh well. One less person the world doesn't care about. How are you doing through this? I'm sure your relived to be free!

Honestly it's none of your business. Just tell me who you are and then we can go on with our lives.
Liked by: Noah Phipps

I cant. I got my phone taken away

This wasn't Noah. I don't know who it is but I have talked to him and it wasn't him. Next time lets be more aware of what he's doing that weekend and make sure him and I don't talk about it. Thanks

well kinda.... but i mean, im not jealous anymore tbh, im more mad then anything

Same. I found out a lot last night..

why would someone text back, after telling them "If you contact this number again, It will be harassment"

That was my dads saying. Please. I miss talking to my bestfriend


Language: English