

Ask @anntung_

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Recently there is a taiwanese movie called More Than Blue (比悲傷更悲傷的故事).. have you caught it? And if you have did you cry while watching it?

Yes & yes

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which is your preference? 1) slip on shoes, 2) laced up shoes, or 3) velcro shoes?

All also ok haha but idh velcro shoes

Asking randomly but, do you listen to kpop? Any good girl groups which are still active to recommend? What do you think of Gfriend?

I only listen to a few Korean songs
Liked by: HeadshoTsss

Have you ever been on holiday to a country where ppl stand on the other side of the escalator, or like the cars drive on the side of the road, that kind of thing, then when you come back Singapore, you find that you have to re-adapt and get used to the way it is here?

I thought Singaporeans stand on the left side of an escalator if they aren't rushing...? Can't really answer your question as I'm not from sg yea
Liked by: kzh91

If you were flying to New York from your country, would you rather fly one long flight to get there (around 16 hours flight time), or transit somewhere and break the flight time up (8 + 8, and 2 hrs transit) ?

Doesn't really matter for me. sometimes transit wastes ur time,, but will also let u have a chance to walk around and relax ahahahah
Liked by: leejungyeon2

when you buy shoes, does it matter to you whether the shoes was meant for male or female? like you know wen you walk into a shop, sometimes they label their running shoes as "women" or "men" that kind of thing..

Nah, as long as I like it heh

Do you like eating mooncakes? If yes, what kind? If no, WHY NOT! :(

Yes, all kinds of mooncakes!! Preferably with egg yolk 😋

if someone mixed with bad company, and thus has to repeat a year in secondary school due to poor academic performance, is it that person's fault for mixing with the wrong company, or is it the friend's fault for them having to retain a year due to their bad influence?

It's always your own fault. Never blame others for your own mistakes.

Every time there is a disruption to your country's public transportation subway train service, do you feel that the commuters who take public transport are overreacting, or do you think that their frustration is fair and justified, and they have a right to be angry and vent their anger online?

I don't think venting online helps, unless you're giving out reminders or smtg like that. As a customer/user they have the rights to be angry/dissatisfied, but what they can do is by reporting it to the authorities right? Overreacting with harsh and overly derogatory terms should be avoided

should historical landmarks be preserved? or in the name of developing a country, should historical they be demolished so that the country can advance and move into the future? Like for example, building new subway line, or new highrise apartment..

For me I personally think that historical landmarks should be preserved, because they are the country's coat of arms. Yeah sure new subways and industry areas can be built but maybe on other unused land? Why ask tho


Language: English