

Ask @anoni4202

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I have a crush on a guy and things have been very awkward- don’t think he likes me back. However, I stayed behind to help him with a difficult situation, I didn’t think much of it I just happened to be in the right place at that time but he went out of his way when he saw me again to thank me. Why

Just thanking you I guess…a guy only likes you when he TELLS you he likes you. Take it at face value, what he shows is how he feels

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Is texting someone else cheating?

It depends how you are texting them? If you are flirting then defo it’s cheating, emotional cheating

What is your type looks-wise?

I used to have a type but personality is a biggg game changer. Having said that my ‘typical’ type would be tall dark and handsome (cliche I know but I can’t help it). Big shoulders is a big turn on too😍

Hello!!! 🌚 Has anyone ever spread gossip about you? What they said?

Said that I was talking about them when I was with them the whole time, I don’t have the time to backchat!!

What do you consider a low body count? Less than double digits?

Yes 3 or lower and I would want that to be from serious relationships no from him just sleeping around

Hey! 🌚 Do you think I can be successful?

As long as you put in the hard work, you’re in charge of your own life…make it happen 💪🏽


Language: English