
Anthony Mitchell

/ Hello! I have failed to find your page so I posted here, I was wondering if you were still active? I just got a link of your ask,I'm sorry that i have taken your faceclaim and I was wondering if you'd consider allowing Anthony a doppleganger?

Corey Rivers
||. Oh, hello. :') Sorry for the delay, I'm still partly on a break, I got too busy with exams and stuff. Anyhow, mind explaining to me what dopplegangers are first? xD
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Latest answers from Anthony Mitchell

Your ship for Simon?

||. I shipped him with literally everyone, Jace, Maia, Izzy. I only didn't like him with Clary because she never loved him back.

// I think that it's the less risky option you have, yes. But only you can decide it, pal. XD

Drake Raines
||. It'd be unfair if you had to take the risk so I'mma try like this. ^^

// Pff, relax, my pages are secured. That would not be a bother at all. 😉 just hit me if you decide to try that, okay?

Drake Raines
||. I will try on my own one more time and if I don't manage to fix this I will try your way, but only if you're sure

My theory is that facebook marks your IP if they catch you violating rules, they track your devices and accounts, even if you create an account using someone else's device and IP they will figure out it's you when you log in by your own device

||. Makes sense. .__. I tried everything, they ask for the phone number first, then for the picture, there you wait 7 days and after that they want your ID. I never send the ID `cause I'd never trust them with that

// I have a couple of backup accounts if you want to have a try on them...

Drake Raines
||. That's very generous of you. ^^ But what if you start losing your accounts too? I wouldn't like to be a cause of that. ._.

// Oh Google ask that for me too... I guess they do that for everyone? But the page thing is really shitty.

Drake Raines
||. I was afraid it's connected. .__. Not just pages, I lose accounts too. It's a mess

// Damn it mate, if you need help with it, I could try making the pages for you and then putting you as an admin.

Drake Raines
||. They will block you too, my friend already tried helping me like that. ._. I have a problem with creating accounts for other sites too, they block me too and sometimes when I'm on Google search they ask me to confirm that I'm not a robot `cause there are unusual activities involving my IP. Does anyone know anything about that?

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