

Ask @antizoloft

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What was the best advice you've ever received?

~shit happens
~find your purpose
~if you stay off a building, you'll get to see another day

How much did you lurk your crushes social media before talking to them?

i don't skip around the bush, because i'm not fucking 10. as a semi-straight forward person, i'd go to a romantic interest, look him/her straight in the eye and say one of those sentences: you're really fucking hot / i'd totally fuck you/ wanna fuck right now?
granted, the first one is used the most, but say what you will, it hasn't bitten me in the ass yet (figuratively speaking ofc).

What is your favorite animal?

iguanas, insects, spiders, snails,...honestly, this isn't a joke, i even have tattoos of them.

If you won an Oscar, where in your home would you place it?

in my ass. i would also film it and win another oscar.

The first thing to your left is your weapon in the zombie apocalypse. What is it?

epilepsy medicine. :P
they may be zombies, but that's no reason for poor health.

Whose brain would you want to live in for a day?

i don't need to switch brains. i have drugs to alter MY perspective XD

Would you rather have white hair or no hair?

What's wrong with white hair? i'd love to have a white mohawk.

If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?

the guys from drunken peasants, doug walker and a bbw goth willing to sleep with me.

Language: English