
April Crosby

Do u ONLY date older boys?

No . Just no guys in my grade really grab my attention . At least not lately . it's gonna be a new year, who knows . I don't have a type, just whoever grabs my attention .

Latest answers from April Crosby

Enjoy your senior year it really does fly by! Laugh a lot and go crazy and make memories! Do anything any and everything you can when you look back you'll wish you did. Yolo! Take chance you will never get them again!

I'm a junior

Would you change anything about a past relationship if you could?

Not really, they all led me to Tyler & I wouldn't trade him for the world. He knew what he wanted from day one, and that was me. That's a real guy.

Do you think it is possible to meet the person you will marry while you are in High school?


Have you ever lost someone you love because you treated them bad and couldn't get them back or fix it?

I don't think so.

Language: English