
Destiny C. Williams

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— It’s amazing how people change. How they come to you when it suits them, disappear when you’re in need. It’s amazing how people can hate you one minute, love you another. How at the blink of an eye your left alone, no one to even hold you up. This is when it hits you, when it hits you hard that people will be people. They can change, disappear, leave but that won’t change me. It shouldn’t change you. Because we are stronger than that, better, bigger. We can turn around, turn our faces. We can forget about those who bring us down, forget those who stabbed us in the back because we are stronger, better, bigger. We can make them regret the moment when they change, disappear, leave but not like them. We live our lives to the fullest. We live our lives having fun. We smile, laugh, enjoy every minute of it. Every day we wake up, without a care, no regrets. Don’t put that fake smile on. Smile because you want to, because there are people in this world that make you want to smile. Because there are people who actually care and love you for who you are. They love you for your amazing, awesome self.
ᆤᆤᆤᆤᆤᆤ{ 365 days, 365 opportunities. }

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Language: English