

Ask @arianacandycool

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Ако днес се окаже, че е последният ден от живота ти, ще правиш ли същото, което си планирал/а за днес? Кое те тревожи най-много за бъдещето? Държиш ли твърде много на нещо, от което трябва да се откажеш? Каква е разликата между живеене и съществуване? Моля те помисли добре и отговори смислено.

sOomuChFunNy’s Profile PhotoРъжда
Liked by: Hello Kevin

Where are you at the moment? Record video.

At the moment, I'm on earth. Yesterday, I was on mars but because of the aliens there, I moved to earth and now I'm bored so I'm looking upon to visit moon. So, I'm not free as you to record a video... I've to visit so many planets ^.^
Liked by: Hello Kevin Abdul Rub

Like= Dare 1) Make a fansign for me 2) Type a paragraph from your fave book 3) Surrender with 25 likes :P

Nowadays, I'm reading science books ^.^ :P Next time, gimme a interesting dare or you'll get bore by this type of replies ⬇ xD
❗Regulators of life❗: Plants absorb water in which minerals are solved from the soil with the help of their roots :)) There has to be loss of water from the plant for this process. (Omigosh, why?!?!?) (:P) This loss of water is known as transpiration which is brought about by the transpiring organs of the plants. :D Transpiration takes place in the leaves through the stomatal openings. This process is followed by ascent of sap in the shoot and utilization of the absorbed minerals (Lol) in various metabollic activities (okay okay)... For the above mentioned processes to take place there should be enough quantity of water :O with dissolved minerals in the soil where the plant is growing (Oh! I see) ^.^
(I know this bored you, but this was revision for me ^-^ Thanks ya maggi <3 Tera dare mere liye bekar tha and mera reply tere liye xD *bakbak*)

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