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If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your telephone, which ones would you keep?

Line, Instagram, Google Chrome

Jd gue lg deket sm org kan trs kmrn grgr dia bales chat gue lama bgt. Trs gue kyk soksokan blg mau udahan gt lah. TRS DIA BENERAN DONG BILANG “yaudah kalo itu mau lo... blablabla” sebel gasih😭 tapi sbnrnya skrg tbtb nyesel ngomong gt. Cuma aku gamau ngechat duluan lah gengsi

Makan noh gengsi. Egois amat cuma gara2 bales chat lama. Emg idupnya cm ngurusin lo

tipe tipe cowo yang suka mainin perasaan cewe gimana sih ?

Jgn terlalu cepet judge doi mainin perasaan, klo emang dia ngerasa ga nyaman atau ga cocok cepet atau lambat pasti dia menjauh

What’s the most delicious dish your mom cooks?

Everything that she cooks is the most delicious food in the world

Language: English