

Ask @artofarias

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If you could hug anyone right now, who would it be?

My grandmothers in Mexico. I miss them both so fucking much.
Liked by: GueL0L

how many of your cousins are gay?

Zero that I know of. I'm the only openly gay male in my family. Ever.
Liked by: v.g

What smell brings you back to a childhood?

The smell of rain makes me very riminiscent of my childhood

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What do you do when you are alone in your room?

I usually text or get on Instagram... Either way, I'll be on my phone.

What would you change in this World?

I would get rid of all hate and discrimination. I would get rid of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia. It just isn't necessary. The world would revolve much more quickly without hate.

Who is your favorite Disney chracter and why? How do you relate to them?

My favorite Disney character is Ariel from The Little Mermaid because we are both beautiful creatures of the ocean. ;)

What is your favorite artwork that you have created?

The pet portrait of my goat made of chalk pastel is my favorite! :)

What is your mission?

I have 3 different missions. First mission is to become a well know fashion designer. I would enjoy designing clothes for all sorts of people. Second, my mission is to become an activist and leader of gay rights and of the gay revolution. I would love to be the Mr. Gay Pride of my hometown. Lastly, my mission is to find the love of my life. I would marry him and we'd adopt children. :)

What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?

I go to the movies like 3 to 4 times a year but I'm really trying to change that. I would like to go more often since there are so many recommended movies showing right now. I went and saw 50 in 1 on Friday, it was awesome!

What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

Escargot at a French Restaurant, so dead, cooked snail

What’s your favorite way to have fun?

Going out to eat with my family and friends. Its fun because you can eat bit also chat and catch up. (:


Language: English