
Austin Briggs

Latest answers from Austin Briggs

What is his instagram?

Woops, sorry to re answer the question, but I spelled it wrong. His Insta is "beckk_da_stud" not "beck_da_stud" haha

Do you know Jacob on the varsity basketball team?

I know a Jake, idk if his name is Jacob. But yeah, I do, why?

Why do you never answer questions about mariah

Because half of them are stupid questions and half of them are questions you don't need to know the answer to. And, let's see, 50% + 50% = 100%. Therefore I don't answer any of the questions :)

you could do so much better then mariah

Actually, I couldn't. The truth is that she could do so much better than me. She's super intelligent, unbelievably beautiful, and overall just fun to be around. We are really great friends and I can truly be myself around her. Simply being next to her makes me happy. I can go to fancy restaurants with her, or we can just go play videogames at Game Stop and it still just as great. Every little thing, from her obsession with pear jelly beans to her love of marine animals, is amazing, and I don't see why anyone would ever not want to be with her. I haven't been answering questions about us being together, but I felt that this deserved a long, drawn-out "fuck you". So here you go, your opinion is wrong. I can't do any better than Mariah because there isn't anything better. :)

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