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My friend slides this guy and he wants her to ask him out . I think he likes her back but I just want them tO be a couple cuz they are so cute! How can I help give him hints she likes him?

Well I just generally ask them if they like them. And just keep asking if they say no honestly they sit and try not to show their feeling but just say you won't tell and if he says yes then tell them both :)

I like this guy and he asked me out but I haven't told my friends because I feel like they will find him weird ... What should I do?

Well just tell them. They'll have to accept it. They can't talk you out of liking him if you really truly do! :)

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What's a cute way to say yes to a guy that asks u out at a dance

Just act all girly and cute and tell him you'll think about it. It'll drive him crazy. :)

I miss my ex,but he cheated on me with one of my friends..Everytime I see him..My heart still beats faster but it has been more than a year ago,that we broke up..I tried to get over him and about 8 boys asked me out and I always said no..It's hard to love after him..

I think you need to move on and get over him. If you like him and get back with him how do you know if he's being faithful to you or not? If he's done it once he can do it again. And as for other guys you need to trust them more. Not every guy is the same. There are some nasty guys out there but there are also some really sweet ones as well. Even if you only go out on one date with them at least give them a chance. Please don't be scared of them doing that to you. That one guy shouldn't have to affect how you feel about love. After all he's only one person :)
Liked by: Marjam✨

I used to self harm and I haven't in a long time, but my scars remind me of my past, how can I get rid of them?

Well I self harm and I have scars. They take ages to fade away and some don't. But To help them fade I recommend Bio-Oil as It has oils in it that aid in getting rid of scars and other things as well. I hope this helps :)

I try to do that, but as i said shes not talking (we live 100mile away from each other never met )

Oh... Emm Well then have patience ring her or message her. It'll take time but if she's feeling miserable she won't feel like talking. Just let her know you'll always be there.

Im not so sure but i dont think she has been talking to anyone but i dunno and i do tell her i love her when we talk and that but its killing me inside

Talk to her alone. Pour your heart out to her. Tell her everything you feel about her, leaving nothing out. And ask her if anything is wrong.

i missed out on the chance og making my bff my girl because if i screwd up it would kill me to lose her but shes go a boy now and its kinda making me sad + she aint been talking a lot

Don't worry! Tell her how you feel anyway. Just because she has someone else doesn't mean she doesn't like you. She might just be trying to hide her feelings. And do you mean she hasn't been talking to you or to anyone?

Hey I'm going out with someone and I don't like them anymore. How do I tell them politely without hurting their feelings as I still want to be friends with them?

Well i can't really tell you what to say but I would say something like about how you're really sorry but you can't go out with them as you don't feel anything for them anymore and you don't want to hurt their feelings but you want to stay friends and if you ever feel anything for them again then see what happens :)

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