
Ashleyy Murphy

Ask @ashleyymarie225

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How to make a woman happy?

Cuddle with her
Send her good morning texts
Send her good night texts
Call her beautiful not sexy or hot etc
Treat her like a princess
Give her little surprises
Invite her to your house
Treat her the same when your with your friends as you would do if you were alone
Kiss her
Hug her tightly
Hold her waist
Hold her hand
Take walks with her
Watch movies together
Let her fall asleep on your
Make her smile
Be a gentlemen and hold the door for her etc
Tell her I love you over texts or even infringing of friends awaw
Leave her sweet voicemails to wake up too
Take pictures with her
To be nervous when your around her
Go to her locker
Introduce her to your family and friends as your girlfriend
Call her princess,love,beautiful, etc
Give her piggy back rides
Laugh if she's laughing even if its not even funny
Carry her.
Put your arm around her
Let her wear your sweatshirts or sweatpants
Don't judge her if she comes over in sweatpants not leggings
Don't grab her ass if you don't think she wants you too
Do Play wrestling with her
Give her cute nicknames
Always find time to text r hangout with her even if its just for a few minutes
I think this is long enough but there's alot more

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What happened with you and Maddie?

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what did you do to your nose today?

well after 4th period zach nosbish's locker was jammed so I was helping him get it open and we got it and it swung open and hit me right in the face and I flew backwards and fell to the ground and Julia Haley Bella zach and like the whole black team were laughing haha and then Julia helped me up and I went to the nurse and gr ice twice today and then it was swelling really bad and turning black and blue so after school I went and got X-rays and I sprained my nose and it's still swelling and black and blue and now my eyes are tuning black and blue and my head and face kill and I can't dance or do gym for like a week. Fun right?


Language: English