

Ask @askbethie

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You'll probs get hate for asking out dale:////////

It was a fucking joke!!! Enrika is amazing I'd never do that to her!
Liked by: DaleMate

Dunno who has my mums number? Or jordans cuz ma phone broke<3

Umm can u go round megans and text me on her phone but delete texts after? <3

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Heeey babe ent spokee to you in ages how you been<3

:( ok until one bitch decided to go out with someone I rlly like and always will and always have. Can I text you? :'( <3 xx

Do you like watching musicals?

nah not really, Grease is quite good, but the rest bore me- less songs and get on with the film i think!xxx

Should we read a lot of books?

well if ur revising u shud to refresh ur memory but i dont choose too

If you had $5 left in your pocket what would you spend it on?

ummm... sweets and EnergyDrink??

If you were going to do karaoke tonight, what song would you sing?

i wouldnt sing infrount of people

who are your bestones?x

defo ENRIKA and Cerys. Hilly and Megan are my cousins but like bestones too xxx


Language: English