
ask us for advice

im struggling in school, i cut, i was tempted to hang myself and eat some fucked up shit.. what should i do? my life is fucked up the way it is. everyday it gets even more fucked up and i just start cutting to relief the pain. my parents are strippers and i always get made fun of that

Please just don't give up. You are needed, you are important, you are wanted, you are loved and you are beautiful. I know it's hard but you need to stay strong, for your family and for yourself. You're valuable in this world, we all have a purpose to live.
Try not to think of all of the bad things in your life, and think of something good
focus on something different and try to take your mind of it.
Hobbies? try something new and different! Distract yourself- make food, or things like crafts. Watch a movie, or telly. Find something you can hook on to FAST. Please don't guide yourself to drugs. Draw and read, just get your mind off it. And about your self harm.. Cut down on cutting- lets say you cut like 5 times a day make it four and so and so on, I know it might sound stupid but start off slow. Don't just all of a sudden stop,i will be unbelievably hard. It could get worst. Try to write, write everything -all your feelings and your pains in a journal or on a new tumblr just for you.. get all the things out from your heart and just spill them out, it will be best for you.
Suicide is defiantly NOT the answer,I know you can stay strong and you have a whole world out there and if no one is there I am. Cutting can often become an addiction. It can be very difficult to stop. That’s why it’s important to go and seek help or talk to someone you trust/love. You can’t do this alone. Leave the past behind you, and look towards the future. Ignore the hate, it's just stupid, and they're just trying to pick out every single little flaw. You have your whole life in head of you, don't let haters put you down xx
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You do have something to live for. Wait around and see what happens. Try and make new friends, see where it takes you. Get a hobby. Come close with family.

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Perfectly fine, you can't help who you fall for. If you're happy, then go for it, don't worry about others.

Language: English