
ask us for advice

i feel of killing myself for not being accecpted into college, having money problem, my life basically been screwed up. no one ever wanna listen to my problem. my best friend is so selfish that she doesn't even have time to listen to me. :'( </3 help me

So you want to kill yourself? because no one cares for you. Your family hates you. Right? no. Your parents walking in the room to only find your dead body. They'll try their hardest not to think negative, and to think you're just fooling around. Then they'll start shaking you. Why aren't you breathing? They'll be broken. Tears. More tears. More tears than you have ever shed. Was it them? Were they the reason you did this? More tears. Pain. Every day. Every night. Every single second of each day. Guilt. More guilt. What about your best friends? They're not going to care. Right? no. What's the first thing that will run through their minds when your principal comes into your class and tells them you're not alive. While your bestfriend sits there in tears. The girl that you'ld smile at but never talk to? she's crying. The boy who would kick you under the table just to annoy you? He's in shock. He's devasted. He blames himself. What about your teacher? thoughts cross her mind. She'll question if you did it because she made school too hard for you. Pain. Devistation. Who organises your funeral? Who has to go through your stuff? clothes? notes? Those few older girls who used to give you daggers at school? They regret it. They blame themselves. See, if you killed yourself today, you'll never know what might of happened tomorrow. You'll never know because you're dead. Plain dead. Not alive. Not breathing. Just dead. Your family hates themselves for it. Your bestfriend then falls into depression. Tears. Tears. More tears than a river. All because you thought you would kill yourself because no one cares, right? You are loved, by many. Someone right now is thinking about you. You are beautiful, no matter if you're white, black, homosexual, tall, short, over weight or anorexic. You are beautiful. You want to kill yourself? Think about it first. There's no coming back. And I promise, if you do, you're not just hurting yourself, you're hurting many. You are creating more tears than you led your self into. You are making everyone miserable and making them all feel pain and guilt. Never will they feel whole like when they had you, you are beautiful and you are never alone. Please don't do this x
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Take a chance. Go and ask him!!

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Go through your blocking list, or just ask your friend for his name if you don't remember it

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If you don't like him, then you need to do it. It will only hurt him even more if you don't do it sooner and he finds out. Just let him down slowly, and explain to him the reason why you'r'e breaking up with him, I'm sure he will understand. Don't blame yourself on not having feelings for him, you can't help who you do and do not fall for.

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Start talking to him again if you're not. Get close to him. Make sure you're there when he needs to talk to someone. It may help. If not, trust me, you'll do fine. You'll get over him I promise you. You'll find someone better.

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You do have something to live for. Wait around and see what happens. Try and make new friends, see where it takes you. Get a hobby. Come close with family.

What is your opinion about same gender relationships?

Perfectly fine, you can't help who you fall for. If you're happy, then go for it, don't worry about others.

Language: English