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im to scared to add him on fb but i just followed him on twitter i dont know what other hints to give him any ideas??

Go on add him! Then you can talk to him :)) x

I have a little question. There is this very pretty girl that I want to talk to but I get really nervous around her. I don't know what to say or do? Should I buy her a gift? I was thinking of buying some underwear because it would be a great conversion start, right?

You don't have to buy her a gift, it's great but you don't NEED to. You should just go for it and talk to her. Get to know her more x

i was going out with this guy for like a month and a bit until he ended it saying he didnt want to be with me and he never really liked me in the first place, and now ive been told that this other guy likes me and im not sure if i like him but idk if im over the other guy yet help!

'If you fall in love with two people- pick the second one because if you were so in love with the first one then you wouldn't of fell for the second one'
Also I wouldn't go back for the first guy. He could hurt you! Just try and focus on other things then the first guy. If you're ready for another relationship or you want to know if you really do like the other guy you should talk to him and get close to him. Also if he does like you then you will find out wont you?:) x

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Alright I'm gonna go and ask him to come and see me sing. I'm so nervous now. Hopefully he likes my singing.

Good luck! X

how do u tell if a guy likes u cause i think the guy that i like likes me but idk what r signs that he likes u

He looks at you alot, he leans towards you, he starts 'grooming himself' also try eye contact. Look at his face and then into his eyes. If he carries on with it then he's possibly interested in you, if he does it then he looks at your mouth then there's more of a chance that he's interested in you. Does he treat you differently from the rest of your friends? Or other people in general?
Is he nervous?
These are just some ways he could like you x

i told him that i dont hav a snapchat and he seemed disappointed and i dont hav that much guts to ask him for his number

Keep dropping in hints. If not talk to him on Facebook or twitter x

yeah i think about him all the time, and i find myself thinking yeah i wish he was in my class even though were not at the same school, but if i do like him what would i do/say? x

There's a chance you do like him but only you can know that for sure. And just take it slow don't jump on it. Get close to him and then tell him x

Hi. I talked to you a couple days ago about my dad finally coming back. I have a concert that my friends and I are doing do you thinks it's a good idea to ask my dad to come and see me sing?

That would be an amazing idea go for it! X

Any advice for a suicidal person?

Don't give up whatever you do or whatever you think. You are needed in this world, you are loved, you are wanted and you are beautiful. A lot of people WILL miss you if you commit suicide, even if you think that they won't. They will. Whenever you feel like you give up, you need to just turn everything off. Turn of your telivision. Turn off your laptop. Turn off your phone and just lie down so your comfortable and just relax, calm down and just breathe slowly. Tell yourself that things will get better in your life, because they will if you tell yourself that. We all have lows in our life, sometimes we're on top of the world and sometimes we're feeling so bad and so upset. But we need to stay strong, YOU have to stay strong. I'm here if you ever need me. X

so the guy that i like gave me his snapchat but i dont have one and i dont think he wants to give me his number what should i do and how do i ask him for it without sounding weird

Just tell him that you don't have snapchat and ask him if there's any other way we keep in touch and he should say yeah and give you his number. Or if not just go for it and ask for his number x

how can you tell if you like a guy or not? because i havent yet and i think i might but idk :/ x

Do you think about him a lot?
Do you miss him when he's not around you?
There are quite a few things to know if you like someone x

There's a lad at my school and we are quite close and everyone keeps saying he fancies me but he has a gf but is always poking me hugging me and when I can see he is looking at me he turns around + when he's with his gf he always looks akward and when they kiss he aparetnyl looks at me? Wat does thi

You should speak to him. Don't split them up just talk to him about how he feels and if not just wait until he is single to make a move on him x

I'm 13 I wanna treat my boyfriend next time I see him, what shall I say/do to be cute?

Just say how glad you are to have him, tell him how much he means to you and just tell him that you love him. Simple things can make someone's day x

well i guess i just have to take the risk..thanks for your advice..keep up with the good work x

Go for it, good luck and thanks x

what if he tells me that his feelings changed?

Well you still need to know- he won't but if for some reason he has then you need to know! X

we are together..i am the one that wrote to you about the cancelled meetings ;s

Oh oops sorry haha yeah well you need to ask him! You can't just go on getting cancelled on :( xx

i dont know if i really want to open this kind of conversation with him(whether he wants me or not) but a part of me wanna know..i'm confused because i might be wrong and destroy everything..what shall i do?

I think you should ask him. It's all about the risk. Just think how happy you would be if he said yeah. Does he show any signs that he likes you? X

what do you do when you get dumped and the boy tells you he hasnt loved you for a while, you've been out together for 5 months and have lost your whole world, you dont know what to do because no one understands, he wants to be friends and says he'll never fancy me again, i wanna cut and still love h

You'll soon get over him. Don't be friends with him for a while. This might sound harsh but don't make any communication with him for a while because it will just make it harder for you. And please don't cut, you really don't need to! Try and focus on other things- family, friends. Boys come and go and we can't stop that, it just happens. Whenever you're feeling like you're going to self harm just turn off your telly, computer, phone etc and just sit down/lie down. Calm down and breathe heavy. Listen to music, and just focus on that. You're beautiful don't let a boy get you down, it will get better i promise you x

thanks for the advice of the laptop running out of battery i think thats a great idea but idk if he would give it to me

Don't give up keep trying x

If a guy stares at u and then lOoks away when u look up and he smiles what does that mean???

There's a chance he might like you x

i was going to meet with my boyfriend yesterday and he cancelled it.did the same today.he told me that tomorrow we will go out but he confuses me..is he talking with someone else and stopped wanting me or if its something else.he means a lot to me however i think we might break up what shall i do?

Talk to him and ask him what's happening- you deserve to know. If he doesn't give you a straight answer I don't think he's worth it. You shouldn't have to be with someone who plays you about x


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