
I Care

I still really like this guy, I literally can't get over him:( what do i do?

Get over him. He's not even worth it. He is not worth your time or your tears. Yeah, you loved him, I know that. And I know you just can't see yourself with anyone other than him, I get that. I've been there. But why should you spend all your time sitting at home, bawling your eyes out and wondering where he is and who he is with. Do you honestly think he is thinking about you? No. Sure it hurts, the fact that he is out there falling in and out of love with other girls. Yeah you're going to see him with one of his new girlfriends. Prepare yourself, cause straight up, it's going to hurt. He will hold her a little closer and squeeze her hand a little tighter just because he knows you're watching. He knows its killing you, that's why he will do it. Don't let him get to you because that, well that's exactly what he wants. Don't give him what he wants. He doesn't even deserve it. So what if he doesn't talk to you, do you honestly want to be friends with a dick like him anyway? Thing is I know you still do. But give it time. Because all he would do is talk about his new girlfriend and just try and make you jealous, do you really want to hear that? No. Stuff him and his girlfriend. He will be sorry. Trust me. When he finally sees you with some other guy who's not him. With that huge grin on your face and your boyfriend holding you close, he will realise how happy you are now. And how happy your boyfriend is because he has you, the girl of his dreams. He will realise the huge mistake he made when he let you go, when he decided to choose her over you. When he decided he just did not love you the same. Trust me, he will be sorry. And don't you sit there thinking he won't be sorry I know you are. But I guarantee you now. He will be sorry. So don't go on spending your nights waiting for that one phone call you know your never gonna get. Or that text you know he will never send you simply because he likes to ignore you. He likes to pretend he doesn't see you online, he does it out of spite just because he knows it's killing you. When he walks past you in the hallways he is going to look past you, but you need to know he will do that because he knows somewhere inside you, it will hurt. I'm not going to lie to you. It will hurt. It'll hurt alot. But it will hurt even more when you see her name and how much he loves her in his profile. It's all going to hurt. And you know what, today, tomorrow, next week, months from now, your phone will go off with a text message, you will instantly grab your phone hoping its him saying he wants to give your relationship another shot. But you know what you're going to do? Your going to hold your head up, show him you're better than him and you don't need him in your life. You're going to prove to him that he made the biggest mistake of his life letting you go and that you never really needed him anyway.
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I really like this guy and we've been talking a lot and then all of a sudden he stopped talking to me. After a month or two we started talking again and hes been flirting and complimenting me. We hung out and stuff and i realized i still do like him a lot. But i heard that he asked another girl out

Hey really sorry I haven't replied sooner I haven't been on here in ages! Hopefully things have got better since this...he sounds like a bit of a player and even if you feel like you love him when you meet someone new you will realise that maybe he was actually a big of an idiot!! Hope this helps but if you want to talk further just ask another question xxx

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Hey really sorry I haven't replied sooner I haven't been on here in a while...hopefully things are better for you now than they were...maybe it's for the best anyway everything happens for a reason and even though you may feel like it will never get better it will! Just spend time with your friends to take your mind off of it and you'll be fine!!xxx

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Hey so sorry I never answered your question I haven't been on it for ages! I think most people feel like this really but as you get olde you with you had taken the chance you were given...depending on your age and how much you like the person I think you should go for it! What's stopping you?! The worst thing that will happen is they will so no am in that case it's their loss an you just move on anyway!:) hope this helps xx

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im really not sure what age is kind of normal for things like that to start happening but isnt that like year 7? if it is then yeah i guess xx

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mention it to her, if shes a true friend she will stop being so two faced, if she doesnt stop then shes not worth it!xxx

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let her carry on, everything comes out in the end and think about how silly she will look when the truth comes out! it may not seem the right thing to do but karma will come xx

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Yeah but if you don't feel comfortable or ready to kiss them then don't! Just do it in your own time:) xx

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