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Do you agree, that person can reach everything he wants? Whatever it is?

well if you mean in height then no because if you are too small then youre obviously not going to reach it. but if you mean like goals, then of course. but its down to you , you have to work for it!
Liked by: franny

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Thank you so much... you give really helpful and good advice. I really appreciate it. :)

thank you! and its fine, always here xx
Liked by: franny

well the picture I have now, I really like! And I just changed it last night so I don't want to change it again. It just feels like I'm hiding something from people now and I don't even realize it.. like I have a social anxiety disorder or something..

well keep it then! honestly dont let 'a friends' determine what you have as a profile picture especially as its something as stupid as that! i dont think you have disorder or anything maybe you just feel like whatever you put up you're going to get judged or something? but at the end of the day you're you and you really shouldnt feel like that so if you want to change it do it but if you dont dont! and seriously dont get yourself worked up by something so silly xxx
Liked by: franny

okay sk basically, i like this guy. we arent super super close but the other night we played 20 questions and i asked who is he keen on and he said he really likes this girl and also me, and hes confused about what to do. how can i make him like me? :(

did he ask who you liked? you need to be straight with him! you cant let him walk all over you aswell, tell him how you feel however silly you feel, hell really appreciate it. try and bring up more conversations when you're face to face and get to know him more maybe make more of an effort like with your hair or just wear like a bit of mascara and eye liner or something? just little things so he knows you're trying to make an effort with him xx

My bestfriend and I have a crush on the same girl. I think she likes me more. But she flirts tons with us both. Ive had a crush on her for waay longer than my friend. She doesnt tell anyone who she has a crush on. What do i do?

you need to talk to her you dont want to lose your best friend over a girl anyway, its not worth it. if she flirts with both of you then shes more than capable of flirting with other people too. you need to be straight with her and explain the situation then you can all decide. but seriously bros before hoes xx
Liked by: Lau♥

My parents are divorced and I hate the person my mom is dating he's not a good example for my lil brother and sister and it's my job to make sure that they are safe. My mom says I need to just be a kid and don't worry about taking care of them but they are everything to me. How do I handle that?

i dont think im the right person you should talk to, you need to find someone who deals with this kind of problem i.e social services but you need to be careful with what you say as you dont want to be split up from your siblings. thats all i can really say on the matter as i dont really feel like its my place to say anything, hope this helps xxx
Liked by: Ariana Rose

My parents doesnt give me freedom .. whenever i say that i want to hangout with my friends, she would say no .. :< what should i do?

you need to tell her how you feel, and how all of your other friends are going out and you feel left out. if you ask to go out at night time depending on your age she might not want you getting hurt or drunk men talking to you! just ask if you could go to your local park for a bit with a friend that she knows ask what time you have to be back and make sure you're back a little bit before, youll then start building up a good relationship and shell trust you more to go out:) xx
Liked by: Ü

Heyy . Im 13 this year .. and i kinda love this guy from my class.. but idk what he feels about me .. what should i do ?

let him know! hes not a mind reader, for all you know he could really like you too! and even if he doesnt the worst thing he will say to you is that he doesnt like you then its time to move on and find someone else you're interested in! if you're too scared to do that maybe ask one of your or his friends what he thinks on you then that might build your confidence on talking to him more! hope this helps xxx
Liked by: Ü

Heey , e.. So .. 1. I can't sing, I'm stupid ! 2. Everyone hate me , they want me dead ;/ .. 3. Everyone think that I'm gay cuz, i'm listening to Justin Bieber .. ;/

the majority of people i know cant sing, it doesnt mean you shouldnt sing! if thats what you love to do, get some singing lessons:) you probably arent stupid you may just need to work a little bit harder than others in your year to get good grades, it doesnt mean you're stupid! im sure not everyone hates you its good to have a few people who dont like you, it means that youve stood up for something you believe in, nothing to be ashamed of its something to be proud of! no one wants you dead, and if they do then they're simply jealous! think of all your friends and family who love and care for you so much, theyd hate anything to happen to you. and basically everyone who listens to justin bieber gets told theyre gay, i bet its boys that tell you this? thats because they are jealous of him! who wouldnt be?! honestly you're worth so much more than you think, remember that xxx

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We're both 16 .Well , I don't think so,It really very complicated. What I think is because we're both in a different religion? I'm not sure if he really still likes me or not because whenever I tell him how much I miss him , he will somewhat ignore ..His parents won't allow him to go out with me.

ah right yeah i guess it might be the religion then. sometimes its just best to move on however much you love them. you'll soon find someone else, try going to different things like parties and gatherings meet new people to take your mind off of him, hope this helps:) xx
Liked by: Kerrie Treacy

heeyyyyyy?!?!? why did you say i was ugly?!?!? i think you forgot to click the anon button?!

i would never ever do that, who are you?
Liked by: Lau♥

Can i have sex with you?XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Im a lesbain aprantlly this is all i get asked at school im dtaright and have bf but some reson ppl fink im gay x

I am so confused. No you can't have sex with me, are you a lesbian or not? You can't have a boyfriend and be a lesbian:/ I really don't know what to suggest really, I think you should see a doctor if I'm honest xx

A guy said he likes me. He is like my close friend online, we're both 14 and we talk everyday. But suddenly starting April, I started to notice that he's kinda avoiding me. He's not like before that when he caught me online, he'll chat with me right away. But the most annoying thing is that, on May

As horrible as this may sound he might not like you anymore! But the only way to find out is to talk to him about it, maybe he was fed up of always starting the conversation or something, maybe he thinks you don't like him anymore? You just need to talk to him and tell him how you feel:) xxx
Liked by: J

Why do u get involved in other peoples buessniess xx

I personally don't see it like that, sorry if you do. I like to see it as I'm getting things off other people's chests:) a problem shared is a problem halved!
Liked by: Elenore Lévêque

I get bullied for being fat when now i have stoped eating and and i dont wear alot of make up just foundation liquid and powser and mascra and eyeliner on my bottem lids and i have a little eyeliner flick at the sides of my eyes but not long or thick just think and one or to strokes& im fake aprntly

At the end of the day you should wear what you feel comfortable in! Of you feel happier wearing more make up wear it! That's what it's there for really! And never stop eating even if you are fat which I'm sure you're not! Who cares? At the end of the day your family an friends love you for who you are so everyone else shouldn't matter. Someone in the future will love oi for you are and won't even care if you are a size 0 or size 20! And you are far from fake! Hope this made you feel a bit better & I'm always here xxx
Liked by: Lau♥

i'm really scared of eating, and putting on weight. I wouldn't class myself as anorexic but I know if I carry on doing this I will be:( I'm honestly so self concious to the point where I don't want to go out, and I'm just terrified of not being accepted in society because i'm not 'perfect':(

I bet there are people out there who would do anything to look anything like you! Remember nobody is perfect! You need to just accept yourself for who you are, you should be self conscious about what you eat, if you enjoy the good eat it there will be someone out there who loves you for who you are not for what you look like! I hope this helps beautiful xxx
Liked by: marnie

Everyone who thinks they are ugly or get hate they just need to remember that everyone is beautiful in their own way and need to be able to stick up for themselves and tell those bitches they need to fuck off :) good day

i completely agree! well said xxx
Liked by: Ellie Burrows

I've told this boy that i like him but he hasn't replied. He's seen the message aswell because it shows at the bottow,what should i do!?

ah right well this is annoying! i understand that you like him and you should be proud that you built up the courage to tell him! but if he doesnt reply when you tell him something like that then it kind of shows how what kind of guy he really is! i know its hard, but when you see him at school be completely normal with him dont ignore him or be overly nice just be normal. if he brings it up just be like well yeah and i was kind of hoping for some kind of reply too! hope this helps xxx

I like a guy and he likes me too, and he asked me out but all my friends think he's wierd and don't like him. What should I do?

if you like him then go out with him! if they really were your friends then theyd respect your relationship with him but dont lose friends over a guy!xxx
Liked by: meghan

I like this girl I've only spok to on twitter and never met! Help?

you need to ask her how she feels about you if she says shes interested in you ask for a number text her a few times but dont be really pesty then maybe ask to meet up with her? the worst shes going to say is no! let me know how you get on x x


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