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im 10 inches can I wear atong

From Undies101 own Bulgeboy...
As a fellow owner of a double digit dick I feel your plight! (I'm 10.5 inches)
The short answer is yes. The question is how big are you soft? I'm 7 inches and most underwear (thong or otherwise) pose a certain containment issue. I normally tend to go for underwear made from fabrics that relaxes or losen over time or a couple of washes. That being said you find now that styles have evolved and alot of designers are making more "anatomically correct" garments. The most prominent of these is probably Andrew Christian with his trophy boy range ( actively sold and marketed as undies for the hung man) although the trophy boy collection currently doesn't have thongs they do have jocks. The Almost Naked range (again Andrew Christian) feature an anatomically correct pouch giving you more room for your junk. Www.andrewchristian.com
Another great brand (also very reasonably priced) is www.ergowear.com I'd suggest either the "X3D" thong or something from the "Max" range, either the Max premium or Max Mesh.
Www.cocksox.com are small and tight so if you're after a heavily noticeable bulge go with these!
Finally www.gregghomme.com you can't really go wrong with these, price can sometimes cause an issue but you get what you pay for. My favourite collections are, Boytoy, Torrid, Pump-Up, Komfort and the Appeal. All collections have a thong.
So there you go, I hope this helps and I hope we get to see your purchases :)

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Are those cats or running shoes under the chest of drawers?

they are actually the last two pair of the 5 toed shoes I own...I have switched over to barefoot sneakers since then, not the 5 toed shoes. I LOVE being a barefoot runner/athlete, but the 5 toes creeped me out...not to mention I kept getting stopped when I was out running in them in places globally (hello London) by people who had never seen them before and wanted to ask about them...ummm I'm on a run here people!

Last request btw would be for jockstrap day thanks :-)

you want a whole day devoted to jockstraps on the blog? I'll see what I can do with the boys!!! You going to send us your shots in a jock?

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