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Könntest du dir ein Leben als Spion vorstellen?

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Should we give my smart ass a try?
Because if under the light and knowing some basics, I'm gonna get the rest done, I have the talk, I have the skills and for sure I love it dangerous, but safe enough to be allowed.
I'm waiting for this my whole life, just gimme the contract.
And I get the job done, btw..I wanna know the team, someone has to be a hero. 📯
Oh..do I get some cool gadgets?
Can I have one of those multi-tasking belts, or the teaser?
Btw..how often can I work over the gaven times? I like to work and do cool stuff and she defenetly like to have time for herself as well..I'm pretty annoying at times.😅🔭☂️

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