

Latest answers from atien

kenapa abern? siapa abern? ahahaa

Susah beb nak jawab ni hahaha its my nickname masa kecik dulu and lekat till now & donask me apa maksud bcs I really dnt know

How does it feels to be the only child, beautiful, pretty, and adorable, semua org suka ((well bkn semua org, sorry)) ? I always wanted to know. But i seriously, i don't want to try to be u or what......

U r just too kind I mean like it was just too much fr me and yes not everyone suka kita kan dalam our life our friends could be our enemies. If u asked what does it feels to be the only child tu, kinda best seronok but boring. If u got no one to talk to then sumpah lifeless. I tak tahu nak jawab apa hahahaha

Taktaulah siapa, i dgr je orang cakap untung lah sama skolah dgn dia

I tak tahu who are u talking about ni actually.. I tak layan sgt malay vines

Dgr cerita ex senior atien dak hot kat vine?

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha wait rasanya I know siapa, a guy right??!

Language: English