

Ask @aulianisrinay

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Hi! it’s been years since i last used this account of mine
tapi to catch up, so many things happened beberapa tahun terakhir
i got accepted to my dream college
and now also dating someone that i hope i can spend the rest of my life with, insyaAllah
his name is irham btw,
semoga hal hal baik terus yang tersisa kedepannya hehe
best of luck to all of you❤️
i’m turning 21 this year

+ 1 💬 message

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Liked by: togaar rami

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Apa yang lo lakuin pas orang yang lo suka ternyata suka sama sahabat lo? Dan sahabat lo yang lain juga suka sama orang yang sama. Kaya cinta segiempat gitu.

bubar aja bubar
Liked by: togaar re.


Language: English