

Ask @auliaputri144

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Guys rekomen buku” yg bagus dong.. Thanks before ☺️🙏🏻

•thinking fast and slow by daniel kahneman
•start with why & find your why by simon sinek
•filsafat intelijen by hendropriyono
•the psychology of money by morgan housel
•geopolitik, geostrategi, geoekonomi by juniawan priyono
•how to have a beautiful mind by edward de bono
•atomic habits by james clear
•ikigai by hector gracia
•madilog by tan malaka
•the motivation manifesto by brendon burchard
•trance by mardigu wp
•purpose living in the prosess by almanda shantika santoso
• the singularity is near by ray kurzweil
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•master mind by maria konnikova
•who the hell are you by helmy yahya

Wdyt katanya perempuan kodrat nya di dapur, ngurus anak bukan jadi pemimpin ??

hmm the smell of fragile ego and insecurities 🤔
well u can do both at the same time..
it’s 021 and woman can be anything that society says they cannot be..
close the door ✌🏻

Kenapa setiap ngelakuin salah sedikit rasanya kecewa ya ? Wajar gak shh ?? 🥺

semua di dunia ini gak harus
selalu benar koo, kadang perlu salah juga utk belajar & tau mana yg benar,krn setiap org ada masa nyaa untuk jd lebih baik lagi..
kuncinya emng cuma sabar.
nikmatin prosess nya & selalu coba untuk kasih yg terbaik dalam hal apapun ituu..

Kenapa seseorang kadang mudah hilang dan tiba tiba kembali lagi ya ?? bingung hft

kynya emng smua org lg mngalami fase timbul tenggelam deh (?)
mksdnya one minute bs interaksi tp slnjutnya ngilang mnyendiri atau sebaliknya.
if you’re feeling like tht , please take your time and dont push yourself too hard yaa
Liked by: stormij anonloveu

Jangan terlalu pintar, cowo suka kalau dia yang lebih pintar

r u seriously asking me to dumb myself down to please guys? wkwk na thx ^^
Liked by: anonloveu

Pendapat loh terkait stigma "perempuan jangan sekolah terlalu tinggi nanti susah cari pendamping"

don’t limit yourself
many people limit themselves to what they think they can do
u can go as far as your mind lets u
What u believe, remember, u can achieve… & do not lower your standards to keep any1, make them meet u at your level.
self respect is power 🥰
Liked by: stormij anonloveu firaz


Language: English