Ask @auniniii

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krja konon pdhal mntak izin ckgu and then tipu orng lain sbb xnk kasi orng lain join dpat kerja konon puih

Oh lol, you're saying as if you know the whole story. Tak tahu, xyah buat buat tahu. Stop trying and have a good night, thank you ;) #puihkuasa9

5 facts about you??

1) My ex course mates used to call me Soshi until they totally forgot my real name --'
2) Now, my trending word is #sakai
3) Bawal selalu tak jadi and sorry to say, aku fade up!!!! ><
4) Dulu kat sekolah rendah, aku ratu membuli kot. Alhamdulillah dh berubah xD
5) Singing is my passion. Too bad suara dh berkarattt ><
Liked by: Muhammad Syamil

Alaaaaaaaa beritahu jelah T,T

Kk --'
Auni - kelembutan lol AHAHAHAHAHAH XD aku tak lembut langsonggggg
Nurin - cahaya ... something?
Syafira - xde makna, but sngt special sebab opah aku yang bagi

Apakah maksud atau erti kepada nama anda? Kongsilah sejarah di sebalik nama anda tersebut :)

Taknak lah, maluuu. Makna nama aku jauh berbeza daripada diri aku yang sebenar and aku pon xtau kenapa lol xDD
Liked by: Muhammad Syamil

Kena apa masa black ocean

Black Ocean 2008. Soshi perform dkt Dream Concert. Semua orang jadi senyap, takde sorakan, padam light stick, tepuk pun sikit je. Paling kejam, waktu lagu kedua, diaorg jerit 'Wonder Girls' ramai ramai. Ada lebih kurang 100+ SONEs je dekat penjuru stadium yg support Soshi. 100 orang mana boleh lawan 400k orang, right? Lepas habis konsert tu, diaorg nangis gila - gila. And diaorg hiatus for like few weeks. Serious mental breakdown kot. Since that point, I started to like Soshi. Bukan sebab muka and stuffs, but their passion and strength drove me to support them. Now this is what you call friendship. The next year, diaorg produce lagu Gee, and look at them now. Legends. Walaupun my baby Sica dh xde, I believe their bond would never be broken ~ We can be divine ♥
Liked by: Muhammad Syamil

Why must GG?!?!?!?!

Cause GG impressed me with their strength. Every human have their breaking point. GG dah kena sekali masa Black Ocean, but they're just so strong together and now they're legends. I admire their friendship/strength a lot. #StayStrongGG

If you are in your fav cartoon show/game universe, which character would your classmates be?

Spongebob Squarepants! Kimi and Haziq would be Spongebob and Patrick (cause they're like the best duo evahhh xD) They'll probably be 3 Sandy ~ (me, Anis and Dina). Urm, Aqilah would be Pearl. Nat would be the computer. Azim would be plankton and Haikal would be Mr Crab. Azizi would be Squidward, Fatimah would be Mrs Puff xD The rest might be the netizens ~ Idk why I choose Spongebob but I love Spongebob. And jgn tanya kenapa org tu jadi apa since me myself tak tahu kenapa xD

Desc each person in ur class using 1 word that best describes them

Girlsss ~
Anis : 12
Aqilah : Faqimato
Syaza : Makcik
Aleeya : Duit
Nat : Jawa
Sofea : Selfie
Fatimah : EXO
Addina : Dino
Boysss ~
Kimi : Pendek
Haziq : Robotik
Farhat : Faqimato
Aiman : Penang
Azim : Mamu
Hazim : Besut
Haikal : Batisah
Faeez : Hotspot
Azizi : Hashtag

sapa roommate kau ? dan apa persamaan kau dan roommate kau? mohon nyatakan 5

Hokalohhh aku dh ckp 2 kali dh roommate aku siapa. Zahidah bt Sarkawi, 4K6 =)
Persamaan -
1) Perfume sama brand
2) Dua dua ada comforter
3) Minat kpop
4) Selalu makan malam²
5) Perempuan, manusia, berhijab ALHAMDULILLAH =)

nk promote ni.sila dengar lagu baru bigbang loser.usha taeyang skali *wink wink*

Dh download dh ponnn :') Nk usha, tapi Taeyang tgh dating HUWAAAAAA T^T Saya usha Seungri dgn T.O.P jelah *wink balik*
Liked by: Ally


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