
Aurelia Joyann Trudy

Ask @aureliajoyanntrudy

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What type of boy do you like?

1 the guy who cares for his girl but not only by asking about how she's doing and all... Also by helping her.
2 the one who understands his girl.
3 protective guys but not the ones who's just gonna scold you, the one who will become your shield who will defend you but for what you did right.
4 guys who gives advice, but in a nice and patient way, not buy scolding or high tone.
5 patient guys... who will wait for you and also help you and all no matter how long it takes.
6 loyal.. who will always be there by your side, not the one who will come and conquer you for a while and then leave.
7 gentle and sweet ... girls need a gentleman... just little sweet words that comes out of his mouth can make a girl happy... gives surprises or sth but it doesn't have to be on special days.
8 comfortable guys ... so that I can be myself, and act silly and all ... who is also my bestfriend... play, argue, tell stories, etc...
9 who loves me for me not for anything else.
10 guys who respects others... especially girls... has manners, and pride but lose his pride when he's with his girl.
11 funny guys... who cheers me up everyday.. makes me laugh everytime.
12 guys who can make plans for us like "Hey, let's go have dinner in blablabla, I've booked the place" instead of "where do you wanna eat?... I'll follow wherever you'd like to go".
13 guys who can think smart not just act smart... who could help you do your hw, projects and studies... who can teach you, etc...
14 honest guys... ofc... who will never lie to you for any reasons unless it was for a surprise or sth...
15 guys who get jealous but just a bit.. not to over... who gets mad just a bit.
16 brave, strong but a bit sensitive... guys that could protect you but a bit sensitive to understand you.
17 fun guys... who likes to do fun stuffs... not the one who just wants to sit quietly inside a room.
18 guys who don't talk much but is still comfortable for you to talk to. responds back for what I'm talking about... Not just by answering "oooo" "oh" "hahaha" "ok" "so?" "k" "fine"
19 who wants to talk to me... guys who asked a lot of questions to show that he's really interested in me... not the ones that asked or force me to ask him questions..
20 mature guys... but could also act childish infront of kids or sometimes with me.
21 manly not girly.
22 someone who I can trust.
23 someone who won't cheat on me.
24 teases a bit.
25 someone who loves me.

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What type of boy do you like

menurut anda, seperti apakah pria sejati?

- pkoknya ladies first (?)
- klo ktmu tmnnya trs ad cwenya.. Cwenya gk dicuekin ato lgsg beda tingkahnya... (Hrsnya tuh di kenalin) "Nih cwe gua"
- says sorry walaupun cwenya yg slh (klo cwenya gk apologize and dri pda dia marah) wkwkwk idk I gk ngerasa this is right but... Yeah if ur a gentleman u should do that.
It's like "It's better to lose a fight better than to lose her." gitu deh.
- ngertiin cwenyaaa (especially on her periods)
- mau dgrin cwenya gk keras kepala
- jgn genit
- "She's mine" u won't give up on her that easily.
- appreciate lah klo cwenya lakuin sth buat u even if it's totally embarrassing and it's not much.
- bntuin tuh cwe (ex: bukain pintu buat dia, klo dia bawa ap bntuin bawain) klo barangnya jatoh ambilin jgn cm diliatin
- loyal donk (hers only) nobody else
- jgn cuek
- tuh cwe jgn prnh ditinggalin sndirian
- gk usah romantic yg pnting tuh big hearted lah
(Sorry klo disagree ya this is just my opinion)

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40 facts ur boyf+imp

Kt blm pcrn hahah :)
1 baik ofc
2 birthdaynya dkt sma I
3 14 july 2000
4 ganteng donk
5 suka ngerjain I
6 tmn curhat I
7 open to me
8 caring but he doesn't show it so much
9 likes to give surprises
10 lucu hahaha
11 kocak orgnya
12 tingginya jauh bgt dri I
13 suka crita" k I
14 suka ngasih I advice
15 orgnya happy trs
16 jarang bgt sedih
17 bisa ngertiin I
18 suka ngerangkul org
19 bs ngertiin cwe
20 cute gituuu
21 klo liatin I kyk mau hipnotis I kwwkk
22 gentleman
23 honest bgt
24 gk ngebosenin
25 fun
26 suka ngagetin org wkwkk
27 gamer bgt
28 suka main gitar
29 gk suka ngafal
30 blg mau bljr trs akhirnya main komputer wkwkk
31 akrab ma cicinya
32 punya bakery
33 alis matanya tebel bgt
34 sering berenang
35 christian
36 dlu pke braces
37 gk jaim
38 dlu univ natio skrg inter
39 irresistible
40 pkiran kita tuh kyk slalu sama kwwk
Me: "en I blablablabla gk?" Him: "mau jujur ato bohong" me:"psti blablabla kan? Ketawan lah udh" him: "i gk blg ya -.- u yg blg"
"jk lah rel XD"
"ssshhhh" "ssshh gk usah gk usah"
"Gk blh" "gk usah" "gk bisa"
"Udh tidur gih rel tuh mata udh kyk gitu hahaha kantong mata u tuh"
"Rel udh ngantuk blm?"
"Skype yok" "skype gk?" "Rel on skype" "rel jwb skype I"
"Rel tunggu"
"I mau mkn dlu" "abis mkn tdi" "ah i laper" "gk ad makanan..."
"Knp rel?" "Crita aja" "gpp crita aja" "gpp I dgrin kok"
"Kok gitu?!" "Hah?!" "Waaaahh!"
"Rel u nakal"
"Kita sehati" "kita bokep"
"Kalo I gk ngmg bkn brrti I mau ignore u or also doesn't mean I don't care about you"
"It's hard" "I won't promise" "I won't promise something that I'm not sure of" "gpp kan rel?"
"Rel i takut ma ur dad"
"Ih gk gentleman bgt sih dia jdi org"
"Rel I call u ya"
"Sorry rel" "sorry ya"
*nyanyi* *main gitar* *main gitar ambil nynyi*
"Nnti valdo ikt skype?"
"Mw ikut I?" "Mau I anterin?" "Mau i jemput?" "Itu dmn?"
"Klo gk prcya liat aja deh di blablabla"
"Cute bgt sih"
"Pipi u hahahah" "lol merah bgt"
"I lg bkin pr"
"Gpp I aja"
*nyariin tiket I*
"Rel sini dduk sblh I" *nepok" kursi*
"Aduh I jdi ngerasa bersalah -_-"
"Susah rel gk segampang itu"
"We might be far from distance but near by heart"
Sgitu aja yaaa :) bonus pap hihii

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40 facts ur boyfimp


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