
Averi Leis

Ask @averileis02

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Lmao your telling me to back tf up? If she would've just done that to the three guys she would still have her bf??

Well I did it know okay. Now stop honestly it's not ur life it's mine. Now I've realized what I've really lost and it sucks and I miss him like crazy but idk what I can do now

Haha the funny thing is she does flirt with other guys and I'm one of them she does? ethans fucked in the head anyways hes too stupid to realize

If u think I'm flirting with you that's the funny thing cause I'm not!! I've stayed 100% loyal and I will keep it that way till the end. Idk who the fuck you r but I sure as hell am not flirting with you!!!! I've got ethan and that's all I need ❤️ @ethan_leblanc8

How many times yous fucked already? Isnt that what youre in it for?

I'm in this for a good healthy realation ship with someone who I have fallen deeply for. He makes me happy and smile and laugh. We have many things in common and I have a good feeling about it


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