
Restu Awalliddin Sujana

Latest answers from Restu Awalliddin Sujana

Apakah satu hal yang paling kamu inginkan dalam hidup saat ini?

Ummhh... Living life without complaining? Karena hampir tiap hari, dalam beberapa minggu kebelakang, kerjaan cuma ngeluh terus. Capek, mas/mbak. Because I never thought that to be a Pharmacist requires this much of energy.

Halo kaka, minta pendapatnya dong tentang sahabat cewek itu kyk gmn ?

Hai dik. Pendapatku ya sudah pasti dia itu sahabat, dan dia cewek. Bukan cowok.

I know why you always watch movie by yourself. Cause you are a fuckin spoiler! Nobody wants to watch movie with you. Unless the girl is the one for you. Keep searching for the one Bro, and while you are looking for the one, keep improving your self-quality.

Hahaha! You're funny! Yeah I love spoiling! Better do it first before anyone does. Lol! Btw, thanks for the advice. I really appreciate that!

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