

Ayaaaa I'm totes up for a Rosalie and Abel rp, I've got an epic plot that involves assassination too *cackle cackle* Also I've decided to say screw it and reply to the rp on my phone as well as computer, so prepare for more (but probs shorter) Remusay replies xD

KifoRosalieRemus’s Profile PhotoTempy's Characters
lol perf ive actually went to play journey and rosalie and abel sounDS RY COOL TOO i have a plot in mind as well for them so we can see how it works out

Latest answers from kaworu

What's the best way to your heart?

tbh talk to me and respond 2 me and give me food and be nice 2 me and I'll probably fall in love with u p fast

What sort of exotic pets would your characters/you keep?

tbh the only person with unique pets is Ramsey with the peacock who wanders her ship
everyone else doesn't rly have exotic pets

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