
Jenna Mergott

Ask @ayeitsjennna

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Are you talking to anybody?

Yup my dog. But no im not. Im done waisting time on guys who only lead a girl on for a week then drop them like they arent anything.

Define your perfect guy?

Great personality, tall, sweet and caring, not too clingy but is still protective, not just a boyfriend but my bestfriend, supports me, just a down to earth guy who knows how to treat a girl right

are there any people that you really dislike

idk if id say dislike but there is some people I really dont care for too much and their presence sometimes annoys me

What do you think people think of you?

probably think im a bitch since I just dont take shit from anyone and dont show sympathy for people who beg for it.

do you regret dating chase?

chayse* and I wouldnt say I regret dating him I just regret how attached I got to him, and I completely ditched my friends for him and I regret that. but not.going to lie we had a lot.of fun memories that only me.and him could.share but I didnt regret our relationship. I regret how our relationship with eachother is like now tho. we both hate eachothers guts

opion on chayse and mary talking ?and are you and brooke friends now. I saw you guys talking today

umm my opion on it is I cant stop either of them and I cant tell him who to and not to talk to. but ive never really liked mary so I kind of expected it from her since when me.and.chayse were together she never failed to let me know she loved him.and how much better he could do. so they can both shove it up their ass. and yes me and brooke are friends we talked everything out and are fine.

are you and derek like a thing?

lol no lets get this right. HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND. DEREK IS LIKE A BEST FRIEND TO ME. NOTHING MORE. Im happy hes with brooke. I dont see derek as anything more than a friend. we are just really close. I tell him everything. he is always there for me whenever I need him. but no we are not a thing. I cant see how people think we are a thing? we act like we hate eachother. its pretty funny cause we always criticize eachother on everything. but I look to derek as a best friend and thats all. him and brooke are perfect for eachother. and one day will get married and I will be dereks best girl. me and derek could never be a thing it would be awkward.


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