
❁ aziah ❁

my turn ?

بسم الله
Yay I'd love to return the favour haha I am eternally grateful as well that we've somehow become friends. I really really appreciate you for trusting me enough to talk about certain matters with me. You are honestly an inspiration man ? When people tell you they want to be like you, you always say that they should strive to be better and although that's true, striving to be more like you is what makes us better in a way. You're always so open to ask and listen to my thoughts and opinions, and I am really thankful for that. I don't know why you apologise at times when talking about yourself/ your scenario. I genuinely love listening to whatever it is you've got to share. I hope our friendship lasts til Jannah. إن شاء الله
I also hope you know that I am so so so so grateful to have you in my life. Hah who would have thought that we'd reach this extent ?
You are an amazing human being ?
May we be the friends who pull the other up when one is falling down ?
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Latest answers from ❁ aziah ❁

happy valentines day orange ;)

I don't celebrate valentines day and I'm no longer (nor was I ever¿) orange. BROWN ☺️ #fiftyliteralshadesofaziah

Hi! So hard to contact u. U keep deactivating this acc

Hello! Haha Yeah I'm sorry. You can always text me instead!

Aziah, may I azzz u a question? Haha see what I did there ^_^

So punny lah you ! You just did ;D but sure what is it that you wanted to ask? hahaha

pap questions inbox

haha someone's phone number, tbh/owd from others and private conversations sorry no can do x

braces flowerpot

can we just relive that moment when I somehow tripped which was followed by a second of silence from the seniors before you bellowed ?

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