
The Original White Walker

If you could be immortal, would you choose to be?

Rant time.
People that say "you're skinny I'm so jealous" I'm sorry but that pisses me off. Nothing fun about being a stick. Easily pushed around. Looking like an easy target constantly. And yes. Skinny people get criticised just like larger people. You see that bitch from towie? The one who went on I'm a celebrity for 2 seconds? She criticises people for being skinny. Almost no one complained yet one person calls another fat and the whole world explodes. Skinny or fat. None should be a base example for people's figures. There shouldn't be a basic figure to go for. There should just be one called "Healthy"
Now I can't say much on that because I'm not healthy but the way people are portraying "Curves" and oppressing skinny people is annoying. And no this doesn't mean "Take the piss outta the fat guy" no just don't criticise based on figure or weight. And don't moap around saying "I hate my figure" actually try to get whatever figure you want "that's healthy". If you just sit around crying about it not trying I guess you don't really want it.
Now. For people that think " size zero is healthy figure" NO! It is not. Get your shit together.

Latest answers from The Original White Walker

How do you feel about your girlfriend?

How do I feel about Kayleigh? I feel that she is the loveliest, caring and absolute best person to walk into my life. She is now so involved in my life. I see her pretty much everyday, I text her all day and we video call almost every night and we ALWAYS call each other before going to sleep to say goodnight (I love that as I hear her sweet voice before sleeping). Now enough on how I feel about her and more on how she makes me feel. Everyday is so much easier knowing she is in my life. She makes me feel so wanted and makes me feel like no other does. Of course my family makes me feel wanted but Kayleigh offers me a kind of relationship no one else can. Sure no one gets along perfectly but she is my world and I'd be nothing without her. She is my day, my night. My happiness my light. What shines bright bringing me hope and sight. She is what I need. Kayleigh you are a necessity <3

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Who was the last person you kissed?

No matter how much you know she is not going to be yours. Always try and keep her happy. Only then once she's happy you'll realize that she won't need you as she has someone who is hers. Even so. You still push because she is all you want yet she'll never be yours. But soon you'll need to let go before dragging her down with you. They say nothing is worse than watching the person you love, fall for someone else. They are wrong. The one thing worse is watching them fall because of you.
Don't let them fall because you couldn't let go

What would you most like to do if money were no object?

Food for days
Sort my brother out and my parents
Get a bug house
Nice bikes
With a big open field. Make it into a large meadow with assortments of flowers and trees. Have a large pond in it with fish and amphibians.
Yeah I thought about this

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