
baha'a shurbaji

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what is love ?

Love= peace
If there's love in the world
Wars will never exist
Love is caring
Love came with happiness
Love is perfect
It can't be described but can be felt
Love makes this world goes around
U wake up everyday to love & get loved ❤
I believe in those things that's why I'm happy in my life
I wake up daily & see the love in my moms eyes
My friends. My brothers ❤
It's hard to find a word that defines love
Because the meaning of love is different from a person to another
Everyone loves in his own way for one purpose
Happiness ❤
Love brings happiness brings trust
Brings forgiveness see how great it is

Because ur heart want peace ❤
Maybe I couldn't explain love well
But search inside love is inside everyone of us I told u we love & get loved each day
When u can't imagine ur life without someone why is that? Because u love that someone
Love puts u in a sweet place out of this world
A feeling that i really don't know how to explain it in words because its really perfect ❤
This world stands on love
Money is a phisycal thing that I don't believe in
Ur home stands on love
Try to love everyone kick the hate out of u like I did before it made most of the people I met loves me
It made my life much much better ❤
& I love u ❤ hahahaha ?

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Liked by: Motasem Mix Norma

mmmm what kinds of girls u like

Umm about looks I don't care that much but she should dress well but looks it doesn't matter because I'm looking for happiness not just a body
Personality haha well she must be funny :p love to do crazy things same as me loyal a little bit weird
Love food :') but not fat :p
Love pizza❤❤ hahahaha & many things hard to considered in one answer
T or d?


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