

Ask @baileyyxoxo1

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they work at the same place :c but i will probably get my mom to wait till like 9 to leave the house and drop me off on her way to work.

tbh idc
yeah man cause were leaving at 8:45 ish so we should be there if ur mum leaves at 9

wot, ill be on tara blvd before both of those times which means on her way to work ill pass your house at like 7:50 or something but when we get to her wurk place, it'll be like 8:15 to 8:30 and thats when you would have gotten to griffin, then make ur way to lennox and pass me ah

tbh idc
ahhh man idk if this will work now :c ur dad can't just drop you off or does he have to work too

baylay ugh, my mom has to work tomorrow and she leaves the house att like 8 or something like that fuck, which means ill be on tara blvd, and my dad says that if your coming from griffin you should pass their business on the way to lennox so erm could you pick me up or she cud get to work l8

tbh idc
The latest is like 9:45 :( or 10

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so meet you at like 9;20 at kevins korner andd then go shopping and have fun and swag yolo then get back late and get my mum to come pick me up yes

tbh idc
yes man c: ill ask her when she comes down here
Liked by: keag

okokay, be over theree around 8:45, andd would i spend the night or

tbh idc
wait don't get there till 9 something and idk I haven't even asked my madre

wheree does she work ah

tbh idc
okay you know were big jims is , it's across the street where there's a laundry mat and a hair place , she works at Kevin's korner

erm nig nig, im sorry im asking this like three timeess but my mom is like "in the morning or at night" she says its fine i think, butttt shee needs details or some shit i dont know ha

tbh idc
morning , lol. maybe you can't meet us at her work

yeah, i dont think i could go both ways either. i can support a cause all day but i wont do that stuff..

yeah same here

obviously. i mean you can hardly stand most girls that go to school with us rather than be attracted to one.

Ikr , like not hating on bi ppl but that's weird af

Oh OK I see Well what if you were not in a relationship

idk man or who ever the hack you are. im only letting guys near the " V "

nigga that is creepy as hell bailey is straight as fuck

ehh I don't mind it , it's just I'd never go there with a chick

Can a girl get ate out by another female and still be straight?

um not sure , you would obviously like girls some what in order to let that happen


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