

Latest answers from barbs

Did u teach Jason that? then gabby don't see u guys talk all the time.... ;-)

We barley talk in class let alone text lmaooo

Barbara! I heard you got the new "recents" tab on iOS 8 deleted, please show me how??

JUst go to settings then click mail, contacts, calendars & go to Contacts 'show in app switcher'

y ur not nice with gabby?all the shit she get it bcs of u ,I think u like and like jason

Can you guys cut this bullshit, Jason doesn't flirt with me or any girl in that class. Or any girl in that case. I don't like anyone. And I'm not nice to gabby? I never said one word to her lmfao.
But once again cut the bullshit, quit starting drama that was never there and move on with your life and don't worry about mine. Or about Gabbys & Jason's relationship

Do u like being cheated on?No right? so why r u doing this for a sweet girl?

I'm just his friend lmfao he helps me out with my problems and I help him with his

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