
Llaura June

Wht happened to UR dog

Well, she had trouble with accidents in the house ever since she was just a little tiny thing and we thought nothing of it since accidents are normal for puppies but then we realized that she was trying really hard to hold it but she just couldn't so we brought her to the vet for it and they did a pee sample and when the tests came back it said she had a bladder infection. We put her on meds that helped get rid of it and we thought it was gone and she was doing great & she wasn't having any accidents. Then we took her to the vet to get spayed and they looked at her kidneys and one of them was lumpy but they weren't sure about the other one... They gave us prescription dog food to hopefully help make her kidneys start functioning correctly and they told us that she would live until she was at least 7 years. Well, she started having accidents really bad and things just kept getting worse and worse and worse so we took her back to the vet and that day while I was at school my mom put everyone in my family in a group message and called a family meeting for that night. But, my step sister ended up going to her moms house so it was postponed until she came home so I stayed the night at my friends house.
The next morning I woke up to 50 something missed calls and texts from my mom and she was knocking on the front door so my friends brother came to wake me up.
I got in the car and I asked her what this was all about and she said "I just missed you" I asked her if it was about Franki and she started crying and told me that we had to put her down on Monday (it was Saturday) and that Franki had a really rough night and she peed in her sleep. My mom thought that we were gonna be able to spend the holidays with her but we just couldn't hold on to her for that long... She would've been in pain. So Saturday, Sunday and Monday i spent as much time as I could with her and gave her tons of love & human food.
Her appointment was at five and on the way there I sat in the back with her, wrapped her up in her favorite blanket and cried & told her how much I'm gonna miss her and that I'm sorry for having to put her down & asked her to forgive me.
We got to the vet and my uncle (he owns the vet clinic) explained to us that there was nothing that we could do anymore and that we had to do this before she started to be in pain because her bad kidneys was just something that she was born with.
After it was all over with they carried me out of the room because I didn't want to leave her and omg, it was just terrible. I know I sound so dumb because to everyone else she was just a dog but that was my best friend. I loved her more than anything and I always will.
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Latest answers from Llaura June

Is Nina your dog or just like a family dog?

My dog! She gets along with my mom, tries as hard as she can to pretend to like my brother but follows me everywhere and she'll tear up the carpet in my house if I leave without her😂😁

If you look at @/abigaildebilz bio on Instagram it says "all about the positivity." really? I don't believe a word you're saying. This goes with your last question.

It was "Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out"😂

See I don't know why people have to be cunts, that's such a tragic thing that happened and even if I didn't like you I wouldn't be an ass about your dad passing away. I'm sorry for all these assholes in your life they are just fuckin stupid. And to the people that see this leave her alone!!

💞 ilysm

I don't really know you much other than that we had a few classes together this year but to the person being a total asshole about your dad, they should really fuck off. I have never herd someone make a more fucked up joke it's so rude you seem like a nice girl and these dicks should leave you alone

Oh here's something worse than that

The death of a parent is NOT something to joke about ever. I don't care what she did to make you hate her so much. Don't you dare intentionally hurt her by using that. My question is how can you live with yourself!?

Ummm I'm not joking about anyone dying

Bwahaha how can u live with urself ur dad killed his self

Are you kidding me? There's nothing I can do about what my dad did except take my time with the grieving process.
Not sure why that's funny either, you're pretty fucked up for thinking that something like this is funny. My dad, the only person that has always been there for me left this world almost a month ago and that's funny to you? Would it be funny if one of your parents took their life and left you with nothing but questions? Wow, that's so funny! Being depressed, crying all the time, blaming yourself even though you know deep down there's nothing you could ever do about it, always asking yourself "what if?", not having anyone to talk to about anything, not being allowed to talk about your feelings about what happened with your "mom", constantly being left home alone in the house that he took his life in, crying yourself to sleep every night and no longer having anyone or anything to life for. You're so right, that's hilarious!!!!!

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