

Did you get a new Youtube partnership? I see the Curse Union for Gamers icon on your Youtube page.

Yes, I signed up with Curse last month.
As of right now I'm iffy on whether or not I'll stick with them. The main reason I signed up was that they were supposed to be selling ads only to relevant gaming advertisers which I had hoped would make the ads on my videos the least obnoxious they could be. Having checked up on them a few times though I get ads for all kinds of crap that doesn't seem related at all (Lunchables, O'Reilly Auto Parts, some handbag store?) and I haven't been able to determine yet if I'm making any more than I would have by myself. With only one month of data it looks roughly equivalent.
I'll give it another month or two at least, it's not like they're actively making things worse or anything. If there's no appreciable difference by that point I'll probably bolt to at least be able to regain some small control of ad content. Luckily their contract is very friendly to the content maker - there's no lock-in and I can nullify the agreement "at any time for any or no reason."
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Latest answers from batman9502

Do you still play a lot of FFXIV?

Basically every day, yeah. Still running weekly raids, doing progression on Ultimate Coils with main group.

Is falling in love over text, insane behavior? Am I crazy?

In my opinion there's nothing unusual about having a crush/infatuation with someone you've only spoken with via text, but it doesn't really serve anyone to throw around things like "falling in love" if it's never gone beyond that. Talking through through text is much different than talking via voice chat, which is different than video, which is different than in-person, etc. You can't know your dynamic in those situations when all you have is text. Being a "hopeless romantic" may feel exciting or whatever but if you want to make something actually work with someone you need to be mature enough to realize the difference and put in the effort to elevate beyond a "text" relationship.

Have you ever experienced a glitch where you couldn't sell the info for a Discovery in Skies of Arcadia?

Not that I can recall.

Do u play Destiny 2, and do u like the game?

I might get it at some point but pretty much all my gaming free time is spoken for at the moment.

Have you ever heard of a game called 'Abe's Oddysee'? If you have played the game, how was it?

I know the series, I can't remember whether it was Oddysee or Exodus but I played a super small amount of one of the PSX ones. AFAIK they're pretty solid.

How do we stop ourselves from feeling stupid? Why do we feel like idiots? Sorry to spring this on you.

Feeling a little dumb every now and then is probably healthy actually as long as you don't beat yourself up over it. It happens to everyone eventually - we all make mistakes. If you feel that way about something it means you can use it as an opportunity to learn and grow so you can do better in the future.

With your previous answer being said, are you finishing Wind Waker?

I honestly couldn't tell you one way or the other. On YouTube? Probably not. If I actually start streaming more and get into that it's possible it could be done in a few streams but I'm certainly not making any promises.

Do you have any plans for streaming on twitch in the near future?

David Flores
To be honest, if I ever really get into doing any gaming video content again it would probably be on Twitch. The bottom is rapidly falling out of gaming YouTube anyway.

Senior starting to apply to colleges. APs and Honors are basically the norm for me, mostly As and some Bs, couple years ahead in math, coding president, however I still feel anxious about not getting into my dream school udub. Any tips for this stress?

I dunno, just realize there's not really anything you can do about it. You do what you can in high school and you're either accepted or you're not.
Here's some stats: http://www.collegedata.com/cs/data/college/college_pg01_tmpl.jhtml?schoolId=764

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