
Anthony reno

Ask @beantown2

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If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

No one fuck that germs man germs

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What are you looking for right now

Right now I just want my girlfriend back... But honestly I don't think it will happen. I honestly just want someone who I can just kick back with and watch movies all day and not always have to go out someone who understands me and can handle the fact I'm a firefighter and understand I see the most fucked up things in the world. I want someone I can home too every single night too and cuddle and fall asleep tell them how my day went get a damn kiss and be all cute. I want someone who can put in commitment time someone who is only down for me loyal as fuck and does lie or play games. I want to be someone's world I want them to be scared as fuck to lose me because I sure as hell would be scared to lose everything. I already have lost everything and it's hard as fuck to rebuild after being with the one you love for over a year. I want her back so fucking bad.

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