
Beckii Shingler

Ask @beckiishingler

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Off anon or on anon dont matter lol wht u gonna do? and no im not 6, just cos i sed cow makes me 6? geez ur fucking retarded lol

Do you do this often? Cause arguments with people that you don't know. Are you lacking the social skills that a normal conversation and human interaction requires? My advice to you would be to approach situations more appropriately, for example.. "asl" isn't a good conversation starter, also arguing and trying to put others down is a sign of low self esteem and satisfaction from your own life therefore you wish to bring others to your level. And yes your spelling of words like "sed" instead of said does indicate a low age or, like I said..being retarded. Also it should have been "doesn't matter" instead of "dont matter" hopefully one day you will mature into a mature human worth actually sharing oxygen with, until then.. I think the best place for you is a white padded room. Thankyou and good luck!

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the crazyiest thing you have ever done?

Urmmm..eaten a spoon full of washing powder for a fiver?:L I dunno, I'm pretty boring

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ur a strange girl u arnt u? the point in this is to ask, so im asking why after asking 1 question do u come across as a massive bitch?

How have I come across as a bitch? If you don't like it..fuck off:L

i didn't say u were fit haha that was the first thing i said.....so judgmental...

Think it's best to just shut up love

Read about Liam Stacey ;)) VERY naughty boy reported by girls on twitter for racist comments against a foreign footballer, sent to court in a flash, missed all his exams, lost his degree, JAILED for 56 days, zero job chances now, + £££££s to pay Uni back! ?:Should I TICKLE him senseless as well? ;))

Urmmm? What?

Ur rude bruv

Sorry, clearly my manners aren't up to the standards of yours, must be the good upbringing and good education.

hiya, I don't know you but I've just seen a few of things said to you on here and I'm sure you don't deserve it. Ignore it, keep your head held high hun!

ha doesn't bother me, immature little girls.. Thanks(:


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