

Ask @beepfaggot

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how did you come out to your parents?

Erm I told like 4 people who I thought I could trust at the time and one of them told someone else and spread a rumour round the school and I kept getting asked about it. Then one day I came home from school and I was just so sick of pretending and hiding and I burst out crying in front of my mum. It look me a couple of hours to actually say it like I was just repeating 'I can't tell you, I can't tell you' to her and then I just said 'Mum, I think I like girls.' She asked if I thought I was bisexual and I said yes and then she said it wasn't a surprise because she thought I was a lesbian, obviously she didn't mean it offensively. And well yeah my dad wasn't as open to the idea of homosexuals so I got her to tell him. That's it tbh. Could've been shortened haha.
Liked by: Jerome Pierre

go on ranting, it makes me feel so happy that someone gets it haha

Okay so 44% of rape victims are under 18 and let's say 1/2 of them fall pregnant assuming they're all girls and that abortion is illegal. That's 22% of under 18 year olds that are forced to have a baby that they did not want or give consent to conceive. There is a lot of possibility that not only is the mother going to be too ashamed to admit to rape but will be in school and get bullied for falling pregnant. School is a massive stress yet people still not refusing to let a CHILD abort their baby whilst under all the pressure of exams and school which will not help the growth and health of the baby. If you want a baby or are forced to have a child you didn't want, which child do you think will have a more loving life? Seriously just think about it. People have sex and use protection, the condom breaks, you miss a pill accidentally, the birth control doesn't work. That is in no where you're fault but oh wait, the government decided that you must keep this child because you dare have sex. Whether you're married, having a one night stand, in a relationship or whatever, if you do not want to have that child; you do not have to have that child. A room full of (mostly) men do not have the right to refuse you to choose what you want to do with your body. The government do not have the right to decide whether you have to keep a fetus growing inside your womb for nine months. No one has a right to refuse to let you do what you want to do with your own body and that's why abortion needs to be legal. If you don't agree with abortion, don't get it. It's really that simple. And as for the religious part of the arguement, it shouldn't have a matter in politics at all.

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your clearly not you absolute poser

for one, it's you're not your
and please tell me how I'm a poser
I've had multiple girlfriends, never had a boyfriend
I've done things with girls and all I've done with a boy was a peck and i felt absolutely nothing while it happened
I'm attracted to girls, I have no attraction to boys excluding a few celebrities/people I know from tumblr
So please, do go on about how I'm a poser :)
Liked by: loz ♡☽

why you not in school??x

I'll be back on Wednesday, I had a few personal issues that I don't want to discuss on here that meant the school couldn't allow me in til they knew I was 100% x

describe Melissa (long para)

Melissa is perfect. She's got the most beautiful smile ever and her eyes are the nicest blue I've ever seen. I love everything about her. She's funny and lovely and deserves to be a lot happier than she is. I want to make her happy. In the past few weeks getting to know her, I've not found one thing I dislike about her. She makes me feel so comfortable and I haven't felt that way in a long time. I adore her.


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